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- User Since
- May 1 2014, 5:26 PM (566 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
We've noticed some serious clipping as well on VON on our server.
Dedicated server and we can get it to happen with as few as 20ish. Explosions and a good amount of activity (players and AI) seem to have some adverse effect. though when we cleaned it up (dead AI) there was still a significant issue.
Noticed it recently as well, but was not paying attention so I can't say it's tied to 1.18.
We discovered that STEAM is (at this time) "case sensitive". If you put in "tacticalgamer" . . . nothing comes up, but if you put in exact wording "" (as shows in our server description) then it comes up right away. . . . also noticed it breaks even if you take the ".com" off. . . .must be exact and must be case sensitive and sensitive to any spaces.
It's a work around at best and the engine on this needs to be tweaked, but this info should go a long way to solving the problem.
Ya, and I tried it . . . doesn't work so well. Put the cache in the center of even a small box and the "inventory" screen notice doesn't come up unless you're looking at the EDGE of the box . . .not the box itself.
It would be a nice thing but the "area" needs to be increased or somehow made to work WITH other elements.
At this point . . it's a bug and needs to have a graphic of a "box" or some other such thing.
PS - oh you can access it, you just need to be close to it like any other cache . . . ergo the coolness factor of putting it with say a simple box . . . :-)
While I do see this as a bug given the nature of the item description. It is actually a pretty cool element as you can take any object and make it into a "weapons cache" . . . .a desk, a box, a truck, a container (as long as it's near the door) by co-locating the elements.
I agree with fixing it, but an option for "hidden cache" should be included as well as it allows for more variability to where things are "hidden".
PS - issue "work around" has been found. The problem really has not been "resolved" - the topic was "Partial" word search no longer works. This was not actually "resolved" we all just figured out the limitations of the Steam search (not entirely a good one I might add) and are attempting to notify our community of the issue.
Closed at this time because we at least KNOW the problem and there are soooooo many others to work on, but let's be realistic . . . it isn't "solved".
PS - Let IceMan know . . . probably want to put the info in that thread as well . . . 0018736
@George . . . . I'd agree with you if the solution of making our "filter" case sensitive and the exact name as listed, didn't in fact solve the issue.
And by case sensitive I mean putting in the name "" as a case sensitive search term in the filter.
PS - played it with once I got it working . . . and case DID make a difference, as did exact name as listed in the server line (not a tech type so I'm not sure where that is actually). Feel free to filter on "tacticalgamer" and then on "" and see if it doesn't make a difference.
I deffer to @George on this . . .tested and he is correct . . . "Exact" name IS required . . .but case is NOT required . . . . . thanks George . . . always willing to take advice and confirm when I'm wrong . . . now about that "Gun Rest" thing . . . . . . ;-)
Solo . . . out . . . . . \
We discovered that STEAM is (at this time) "case sensitive". If you put in "tacticalgamer" . . . nothing comes up, but if you put in exact wording "" (as shows in our server description) then it comes up right away. . . . also noticed it breaks even if you take the ".com" off. . . .must be exact and must be case sensitive and sensitive to any spaces.
It's a work around at best and the engine on this needs to be tweaked, but this info should go a long way to solving the problem
0018736 - same issue and assigned to IceMan . . .might want to join these
Case sensitive too . . . and must be the exact full name . . . . Gamespy, not so restrictive.
Not sure what is so hard putting the full list of the Zeus objects into the 2D editor objects?? . . .they are already there and defined!!
Also, some of the 2D editor objects are missing from the Zeus as well (training targets)?? What gives??
Seems like an easy enough task to have one FULL list of objects (ALL of them) in both tools. AND as more are added it would be a no brainier to put the new one into both tools (again one full list of objects).
Voted up - let the feed begin.
I'd be happy with just "wind" . . . that actually does something. . . like affect flight mode, the rain, bullet flight, sound of voice comms . . . . and looks real. Dial in huge wind now and hit the ground . . . . seems the same like no wind.
Just seems more "real" to have SOME wind of some kind.
I have to hark back to what DarkWanderer said here
The DMR of a squad should be able to carry a 7.62 fully equipped AND his service weapon (M4) as well as his side arm. Given that they can carry a primary weapon AND a launcher in just about any situation (unless limited by scripting) then why not be able to fill that slot with a second primary weapon? Much more realistic than a Marksman carrying a Titan Launcher at least.
To the element of "fatigue" just let the values ride. If someone tries to be a "walking arsenal" they can just get there when they get there (hours from now) given their fatigue levels.
Just seems like a logical change to make with the "secondary slot" allowing a second service weapon (rifle) to be in there as easy as a launcher.
May 9 2016
I agree . . . I'd like to see this open (and getting more UP votes) until we get the actual editor . . that single line about "looking into a 3D editor" did not sound like much of a commitment to me . . . . LET'S GO BI . . . Awesome open source missions are waiting on YOU now . . . . . :-)
Or . . . just put in a 3D editor . . . work-arounds exist for just about any issue. I think the Feature Request is for a 3D editor not for a workaround . . . MHO
With Zeus one would think we're nearly there. Up voted so I can stop jumping in and out of game to see how well my objects are place . . . PLEASE!!!!
ALSO - adding all empty objects to the 2D editor now would be helpful. Seems they are already defined in Zeus seems logical to add them to the 2D editor as a matter of course (and keep us happy while building the 3D editor).
Interesting to note (and I'm not one to load threads in any space) but it looks like BI (or someone) is closing threads that don't have updates within 2 weeks . . . as if that solves the problem (or that the problem somehow mysteriously solved itself).
Still don't have bi-pods, still don't have "gun rest" on any surface or pole. Still wondering why.
Nathan - while a good post isn't this feature request about "deploying a bipod" and effective use of "weapons rest" . . . not about firing from a vehicle.
Also the Marksman is not the only one who needs / uses a bipod (look at many of the carbines and you'll see a drop front handle with a bipod on it . . and all (most) ARs have a bipod as well . . .and even if not the ability to lean up against a wall, rest on a stone wall, rest on a half wall, rest in a doorway, rest on a stack of pipes, a stack of timbers (oh, I could go on) is what any good soldier would do in any (ok ALL) situations. Not having that is just a simple "break" of the fourth wall.
Thanks for the words and I agree with you, but aren't we talking about the use of bipods here?
Bipod and GUN REST. If they can do it in a mod (VTS Gun Rest) they should easily be able to do it with the game. Realism and just common sense dictates that this should work. Who would go prone with a MG and NOT deploy the bipod???
Use a sniper rifle and NOT rest it on a nearby object (even standing - see image), or even use an assault rifle and not lean it against the building corner you're peaking around?????
Time to make "real" more "real" . . . voted up and bumped, and nagging (I'm good at that)