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Jun 15 2015, 8:21 AM (509 w, 6 d)

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May 11 2016

lynken added a comment to T114535: Fps drops then locks at around 10.

I've put HDR to low, post processing off and alpha coverage Arma 2 grass+trees and I didn't have those hdd spikes and fps drops to 1 for now (played for about 3 hours). Try this and see if it helps you too

May 11 2016, 2:35 PM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T114535: Fps drops then locks at around 10.

Hey Moriquendi23, I have the same issue (0028208), and from searching around I understand that setting the graphics to higher detail might fix it. I haven't tested yet as I'm not at my computer now.

May 11 2016, 2:35 PM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T114509: The graphics are changing from good to very bad. It's changing back and forth like a flickering light.

Let me elaborate a little, as I have the same problem. The game doesn't update the LOD for objects even when up close to them. This means that in some cases I run up to a building and it has the same low textures as it would have if it was rendered far away from me. In some cases the walls are transparent and I can see the objects inside(furniture, loot) some with high res textures, some with low. This lasts for a few good seconds and then the texture update starts and fps drops to 1(practically 0) and the disk usage spikes to 99% until the textures are loaded. I have a 64bit OS and the OP has 32bit so this is not the problem, and this issue occurs on low or high population servers.

PS: I have no launch commands set up in Steam

May 11 2016, 2:34 PM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T114467: Unable to pick up items directly into inventory storage items.

From what I've tested, it issue is linked to the state of the doors of the building. When you enter a building in which there is loot you can't pick up, go back to the door and check the icon when facing it, it's always opposite to the visual state of the door. So if the door is opened, the icon shows that you can open it (and not close it as it was normal). The fix is simple, close or open the door once or twice(until you see the state of the door sync with the action icon) and presto, you can pick items by double clicking, or pick up clothing, etc.

May 11 2016, 2:32 PM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T114509: The graphics are changing from good to very bad. It's changing back and forth like a flickering light.

Let me elaborate a little, as I have the same problem. The game doesn't update the LOD for objects even when up close to them. This means that in some cases I run up to a building and it has the same low textures as it would have if it was rendered far away from me. In some cases the walls are transparent and I can see the objects inside(furniture, loot) some with high res textures, some with low. This lasts for a few good seconds and then the texture update starts and fps drops to 1(practically 0) and the disk usage spikes to 99% until the textures are loaded. I have a 64bit OS and the OP has 32bit so this is not the problem, and this issue occurs on low or high population servers.

PS: I have no launch commands set up in Steam

May 11 2016, 7:40 AM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T114467: Unable to pick up items directly into inventory storage items.

From what I've tested, it issue is linked to the state of the doors of the building. When you enter a building in which there is loot you can't pick up, go back to the door and check the icon when facing it, it's always opposite to the visual state of the door. So if the door is opened, the icon shows that you can open it (and not close it as it was normal). The fix is simple, close or open the door once or twice(until you see the state of the door sync with the action icon) and presto, you can pick items by double clicking, or pick up clothing, etc.

May 11 2016, 7:36 AM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T112511: Since the rain on exp you cant wringe your cloth when its wet, and you cant tear your shirt to pieces.

To tear clothes you need a sharp object (axe, knife), and you can wring wet clothes if they are on the ground( not while you are wearing them), but I haven't tested if you can wring them while they are in a container(backpack).

May 11 2016, 6:27 AM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T112475: The fireplace disapears when put in the oven in houses.

I can confirm this, I tried in 3 different houses multiple times, the fireplace disappears in a few seconds after you place it in a stove so you don't have time to light it. If you are quick the ignite option appears but until the lighting fire animation finishes the fireplace has despawned already. But if you place the fireplace on the ground it stays there, it doesn't despawn.

May 11 2016, 6:26 AM · DayZ
lynken edited Steps To Reproduce on T112229: Transformer vaults are not enterable.
May 11 2016, 6:18 AM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T112162: Glitchy movement.

And sometimes before vaulting your character will draw an invisible firearm and get crouched.

May 11 2016, 6:16 AM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T112149: Multiple quickbar keybind presses cause character to be unable to drink from wells.

I've tested this and it's not a hotbar problem, it's a problem with what item is in your hands, if you have a canteen/PET in hands it will fill it up, if you don't have anything in hands then the character will drink and if you have any other item in hands you will get that error "Item x can not be filled up" or w/e.

May 11 2016, 6:16 AM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T112042: die.

Same here,i was walking on a metal platform in one of the warehouses by the coast and took damage and when I checked my boots were ruined.

May 11 2016, 6:12 AM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T111949: Cannot put anything in hands after driving a V3s.

Same after swimming.

May 11 2016, 6:09 AM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T111912: Zombies are able to walke through closed doors AGAIN.

The AI reads the status of the door inverted, if you open all the doors of a house the infected wont enter, but if you close one, it will enter through that.

May 11 2016, 6:08 AM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T111855: Netting is not spawning by any boats.

Netting spawns, found 6 yesterday on coast and prison island.

May 11 2016, 6:06 AM · DayZ
lynken added a comment to T110288: There is NO RAIN! NEVER!.

On .58 exp I encountered rain on all servers I played, so I think the next stable build will be a wet one :)

May 11 2016, 5:14 AM · DayZ