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- User Since
- Dec 21 2013, 4:18 PM (587 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
hit escape go into video options and then leave options, it has worked every time for me hopefully it will for you too
known issue is being worked on
wait right now private servers you can join and then go into a public thats lame
I did what was in that video and the can opened just fine, I didn't lose that much of the canned pasta
aim for the head, it does more damage, but I agree they need to fix the issue
this has been brought up many times now, be patient it should hopefully be fixed with next patch
I actually think that this would be an interesting addition. I support this and give +1
tony how about you STFU you are just a freaking troll. It technically is a BUG if the time an item lasts isn't static. if you put 2 pristine backpacks down and one goes away in 10 seconds and one lasts an hour and a half it is bugged so get a life and stop trolling
this is a legit question because it is kinda bugged at the moment. I have had an item stay on the ground for as short as 10 seconds, and I have had an item stay for about an hour and a half.
has anyone been able to successfully test this? I have been unsuccessful in testing the items rate as to how long it will stay on server after you drop an item
had the same thing happen to me earlier, if you go up it high enough you will swim in mid air until you get to land
hey tony if you are referring to me. How about grow up and stop being such a twat. I understand I put it in the wrong forum and I have put it in the forum section. I have submitted many bugs and I have probably been testing games in alpha and beta longer than you have been alive
anyone else have any feedback on this?
didn't realize they had several threads about it already
have you guys tried hitting space bar to bring the weapon up then attacking, it works fine for me
the priority of this is HIGH do you not know what christmas and new years is? It is called the developers are on break and have mentioned this fact. If you don't like it don't play.
have you pressed the space bar to bring your hands up,
they didn't add the loot for the stands yet. It will be coming in future update