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Aug 18 2013, 9:13 PM (602 w, 4 d)

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May 11 2016

ivanwfr added a comment to T116355: Suggestion for implementation of plan execution programming.

Still, we need something to us make believe we've accomplished something more than "Task complete" !!!
As I have done all major tasks, I would love to have a better goal than working on the obvious and only next stage that would be to clear every remaining space program missions.
On an ideal world, achievements value would entirely depend on "random facts" as those we deal with in real life. As (I too) a fellow developer, the best rewards I get from my work results are those where something (good) I did not even expect to happen happens! (and I don't mean bugs ... those don't qualify and are no surprise!)
So I agree with OP considering some broader user input for that game as long as if there is such a platform where user brain can be an asset, this one would be a good prototype...

May 11 2016, 2:24 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr edited Steps To Reproduce on T116353: Power Plant: Gigawatt OR Megawatt?.
May 11 2016, 2:24 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr added a comment to T116351: Mapping the same key more than once when in different mode.

Thanks for considering and you're right, as we're not as smart as we should be at all times, a reminder can't hurt.

May 11 2016, 2:24 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr edited Steps To Reproduce on T116351: Mapping the same key more than once when in different mode.
May 11 2016, 2:24 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr edited Steps To Reproduce on T116348: Parts quality reverts from high to normal after each test.
May 11 2016, 2:24 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr edited Steps To Reproduce on T116345: Lists selection auto-wrap (ergonomics).
May 11 2016, 2:24 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr added a comment to T116343: Mission 5540 - Victoria Crater - Athmospheric EAS.

Well, thanks as this was only I who made that an issue ;).

In fact, my plan was not adequate with the tech-level for which this mission was meant. I realized that after I had some doubts whether I should have come back to this lower-level grounds with a large rover or not.

But then, it will be less frustrating for the next one with that kind of fancy idea... Thanks!

May 11 2016, 2:24 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr edited Steps To Reproduce on T116343: Mission 5540 - Victoria Crater - Athmospheric EAS.
May 11 2016, 2:24 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr added a comment to T116331: Analysis Task Bounding box.

I salute the fair gesture as I appreciate the attitude. You have to take my harsh reaction as a sign of genuine interest for this amazing, one if a kind and refreshing novelty ... and no killing involved for a change ;)

May 11 2016, 2:23 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr added a comment to T116331: Analysis Task Bounding box.

Thanks for the adjustment. Small details like these can make the difference for nerds like us ;)

May 11 2016, 2:23 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr added a comment to T116331: Analysis Task Bounding box.

I can't thank you for the heads up as this was not the case. I'm well aware of the difference between stones and soils, thanks.

First: My point was based on the fact I had 4 or 5 failures before an obvious success about one meter near the distance indicator precise location.
The bounding box seems to be about 30 meters wide and this + sign was exactly on the circumference where the rover is in the attached picture (especially the 3rd one where you can see the bounding box).

Secondly, I take note of how easily you are ready to close a case and, as a developer myself, I can tell that, if you drop issues this quick, the maintenance crew will have their hands full at launch time.

I also wonder whether I'm going to report more issues from this point on as it looks like a waste of time.

Sorry, just a dessapointment I had to report from the other side of the screen.

May 11 2016, 2:23 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr edited Steps To Reproduce on T116331: Analysis Task Bounding box.
May 11 2016, 2:23 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr added a comment to T116326: 2 Mast + 4 Cameras - almost fine....

I've identified what was the "Secondary HUD attachment" side effect:

1 - Attaching Secondary to Mast1 or Mast2 simply propagates to Primary.

2 - This does not affect any other controled Primary item.

3 - It looks like this is only a matter of retaining which Mast Primary is attached to when:
...there are two of them
...and Secondary HUD Mast attachment is changed.

May 11 2016, 2:23 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr edited Steps To Reproduce on T116326: 2 Mast + 4 Cameras - almost fine....
May 11 2016, 2:23 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr added a comment to T116215: Joystick mapping wrong on rovers.

same here, change had no effect

May 11 2016, 2:21 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr added a comment to T116194: realistic analize time on hardcore mode.

I think the only way to justify something like this would be to add a purpose to these tasks. Meaning you have to know why you are doing this instead of that, or why you choose to do things in this order when you could do otherwise. And the working power drain will probably be a challenge on its own.

This has to be based on the decisions you make from some reasoning that needs some clues you can put your fingers on. This would give some advantage to above-average players.
Having to expect the burden of more delay must have some reward as a counterpart, or punishment for carelessness.
Anyway, +1 Up for the base idea.

May 11 2016, 2:20 PM · Restricted Project
ivanwfr added a comment to T116101: Press any key doesn't work.

I had this too, occasionally, and the way out was Alt-Tab then back to game, which was magically unlocked through that kind of UWI.

[UWI] ...I'm going to submit that for normalization: The [Usual Windows Incantation], that is any fancy move, prayer or dance (...) you can make with your rig to get it to do what it's expected to!

May 11 2016, 2:18 PM · Restricted Project