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Analysis Task Bounding box
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The orange bounding box of one of the ASPXS Analysis task is not centered correctly and is real huge compared to the average.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

I tried to accomplish the soil analysis in some random place inside the designated area and failed so many times that I had to decide that the unusual area size had something to do with those failures.

The obvious answer was to look for the distance indicator cross sign spot to deduce some more realistic surface withing usual limits and it worked just fine at first trial withing 1 meter from that spot.

Additional Information

Location: Kaiser Crater
Mission: Ancient River Bed
Task: One of the ASPXS Soil Analisis...
Attached images as a substitute to the current lack of numerical coordinates.

Event Timeline

Bohemia added a project: Restricted Project.May 9 2016, 9:52 AM
ivanwfr edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 23 2013, 2:31 AM
ivanwfr edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ivanwfr set Category to category:bugs.
ivanwfr set Reproducibility to Always.
ivanwfr set Severity to None.
ivanwfr set Resolution to Fixed.
ivanwfr set Legacy ID to 3714833740.May 9 2016, 9:52 AM
Rudy added a comment.Aug 23 2013, 10:10 AM

Thank you for report.

I have tested this science task and it completed correctly within the target area. The size, position and instrument of science target was intended as it is. Problem was probably that you have tried to analyze stone instead soil.

In reality, APXS is suitable for analysis of soil too, we wanted to reflect that also in our game.

Hope my answer was helpfull.

ivanwfr added a subscriber: ivanwfr.May 9 2016, 9:52 AM

I can't thank you for the heads up as this was not the case. I'm well aware of the difference between stones and soils, thanks.

First: My point was based on the fact I had 4 or 5 failures before an obvious success about one meter near the distance indicator precise location.
The bounding box seems to be about 30 meters wide and this + sign was exactly on the circumference where the rover is in the attached picture (especially the 3rd one where you can see the bounding box).

Secondly, I take note of how easily you are ready to close a case and, as a developer myself, I can tell that, if you drop issues this quick, the maintenance crew will have their hands full at launch time.

I also wonder whether I'm going to report more issues from this point on as it looks like a waste of time.

Sorry, just a dessapointment I had to report from the other side of the screen.

Rudy added a comment.Aug 23 2013, 6:01 PM

I am sorry, I have misunderstood the issue. I will reopen the case and will investigate this problem further. Thank you for feedback.

I salute the fair gesture as I appreciate the attitude. You have to take my harsh reaction as a sign of genuine interest for this amazing, one if a kind and refreshing novelty ... and no killing involved for a change ;)

Rudy added a comment.Aug 30 2013, 10:04 AM

Adjusted the APXS target range to cover only the assigned material.

Thanks for the adjustment. Small details like these can make the difference for nerds like us ;)