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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 10:26 PM (587 w, 2 d)
Nov 6 2016
It was the deerstand north of Elektro.
Nov 3 2016
Nov 2 2016
btw youre allowed to post suggestions to.
yep, just because its called FEEDBACK tracker... its easier to write it down here than in the forum and its shure theyll get it on their list.
And in addition pls add a "sort" button so I don´t need to play Dayz Tetris
Oct 27 2016
another good option we lately discussed in the forum are craftable/lootable gunslings. They could be made out of nearly everything. The better the material, the longer they will last.
Jul 4 2016
+1 seems to happen with the RV1-RDS optics too. The FAL seems to have the same Problem. Someone posted a screen.
Jun 24 2016
May 11 2016
The same behavior seems to be with the military boots and combat knife.
My friend tried it with helicrashsites and it doesnt work, so it´s not a problem in general with dynamic events.
for a period of maybe 5 minutes I could reproduce it by going into Inventory and swap my main guns. A cr75 and a blaze. Everytime I swapped the guns he putted the first gun away, took out the second gun and after maybe 2-3 secs he putted the second gun into inventory. I did this till the "cant take something into hands" bug appeared. The cr75 stayed in my hands and I couldnt lay it into my inventory. By drinking a swap out of my waterbottle he putted the cr75 visually into inventory, but after that I couldnt take it into my hands again. So I relogged and the cr75 was gone. Didnt find it on the ground or in may inventory. Didnt move while I was trying this whole stuff so it had to be on the floor right where I stand.
Yes, true. I can confirm that. I have been there a few times on different servers and there is always a loot explosion.
Added a snapshot where its located on the map.
Thats a real problem if one client sees tho open doors and one client sees closed doors... big disadvantage for one of them
I pitched up a tent yesterday evening, after Hotfix, it disappeared too.
It was an official server. I checked it after one serverrestart and everything seems to be fine.Today it´s gone.
May 10 2016
True,and there should be some Ambient Light if flashlight is on.
maybe two different day/night cycles
Option one: cycle related to realtime
Option two: 6 hours dytime 4 hours nighttime for example