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User Details
- User Since
- Apr 11 2013, 5:33 PM (623 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
gpha5e added a comment to T82562: Incredibly low FPS when in multiplayer servers. When the status "reviewed" will change to "resolved"?.
yeah it's like 21 fps all the time, EVERYONE is complaining
gpha5e added a comment to T69184: When stepping on the grave in Agia Marina church in the north - get stucked inside.
lol ironic
gpha5e edited Steps To Reproduce on T68982: Server List Not Loading Servers (dev build).
gpha5e added a comment to T68241: Invisible night vision goggles, again.
please, revert the changes, and address major issues rather than tweaking the perfectly working things, nvg's were awesome, why did you change it
gpha5e added a comment to T66417: <300m Zero points are not correct with current bullet trajectory..
cool! that's what i call good devs! thank you bis
gpha5e added a comment to T66290: Make Tracers A Light Source.
with a better optimized engine it would be awesome
gpha5e edited Steps To Reproduce on T65983: 104.356 infantry showcase - each radio phrase repeats twice.
gpha5e edited Steps To Reproduce on T65738: two players trying to occupy the last seat in a vehicle at the same time - one player is left "bugged".
gpha5e added a comment to T65558: No or little reaction from enemies when hit/killed.
just more interesting animations would be great
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
gpha5e added a comment to T60635: Separate mouse sensitivity options (in sights, zoomed in, scope etc).
gpha5e added a comment to T60049: [Feature request] Seperate post-processing settings for motion blur, bloom, ambient occlusion etc..
BIS i love you, thanks, this was really important for us, especially for the people with eye or psychological diseases, no joke :)
gpha5e added a comment to T60049: [Feature request] Seperate post-processing settings for motion blur, bloom, ambient occlusion etc..
man this would be splendid! motion blur hurts my eyes, i have a disease :( but even if i hadn't the disease i wouldn't be so happy, i just hate MB in general, but the bloom and shadowing is fine!
gpha5e added a comment to T59631: Incredibly low FPS when in multiplayer servers.
yeah it's like 21 fps all the time, EVERYONE is complaining