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User Since
Jul 6 2013, 11:07 PM (609 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 8 2023

distractor2004 changed Reproducibility from reproducibility:always to reproducibility:random on T173162: Zeus Remote Control does not work if remote controlled unit is killed in gunner position.
Jun 8 2023, 3:20 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 created T173162: Zeus Remote Control does not work if remote controlled unit is killed in gunner position.
Jun 8 2023, 12:38 AM · Arma 3

Mar 28 2022

distractor2004 added a comment to T163936: Feature Request: Nvidia Streamline Plugin for ARMA 3 DLSS/XeSS/FSR implementation.

Understood and thank you for the explanation.

Mar 28 2022, 9:13 PM · Arma 3

Mar 27 2022

distractor2004 created T163936: Feature Request: Nvidia Streamline Plugin for ARMA 3 DLSS/XeSS/FSR implementation.
Mar 27 2022, 6:27 PM · Arma 3

Sep 4 2019

distractor2004 updated the task description for T144389: AI Soldiers Attack Comrades if Empty Civilian Vehicles are Destroyed.
Sep 4 2019, 4:28 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 updated the task description for T144389: AI Soldiers Attack Comrades if Empty Civilian Vehicles are Destroyed.
Sep 4 2019, 4:28 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 updated the task description for T144389: AI Soldiers Attack Comrades if Empty Civilian Vehicles are Destroyed.
Sep 4 2019, 4:26 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 created T144389: AI Soldiers Attack Comrades if Empty Civilian Vehicles are Destroyed.
Sep 4 2019, 12:04 AM · Arma 3

Apr 19 2019

distractor2004 renamed T133342: Katiba, Vermin, Sting, Protector, SDAR, CMR, and Type 114, do not use proxy magazines. Katiba magazine model is based on MX magazine model. from No Vanilla Mags Support Vanilla Proxy Magazine Features to Katiba, Vermin, Sting, Protector, SDAR, CMR, and Type 114, do not use proxy magazines. Katiba magazine model is based on MX magazine model..
Apr 19 2019, 6:31 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 added a comment to T77263: Encountering periscope bug with Ifrit/Hunter HMG/GMG variants similar to ticket 0017112.

I believe this issue was resolved a long time ago and can b closed.

Apr 19 2019, 2:34 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 added a comment to T71707: MX Magazines should be interchangeable with ALL MX rifles, 100 round MX mag is not.

MX Magazines are now interchangeable with the latest Dev Branch update. This issue can be closed.

Apr 19 2019, 2:30 AM · Arma 3

Mar 9 2019

distractor2004 added a comment to T137236: Civilian Hatchback Armor is Too Strong, Hull, Engine and Fuel Invincible to small calibers.

The engine and fuel tanks are both taking damage now and this issue is resolved. Thank you and keep up the great work!

Mar 9 2019, 1:54 AM · Arma 3

Mar 3 2019

distractor2004 added a comment to T137236: Civilian Hatchback Armor is Too Strong, Hull, Engine and Fuel Invincible to small calibers.

Possible fix:

Mar 3 2019, 10:20 PM · Arma 3

Feb 24 2019

distractor2004 created T137236: Civilian Hatchback Armor is Too Strong, Hull, Engine and Fuel Invincible to small calibers.
Feb 24 2019, 5:33 AM · Arma 3

Nov 5 2018

distractor2004 changed Severity from severity:tweak to severity:minor on T133342: Katiba, Vermin, Sting, Protector, SDAR, CMR, and Type 114, do not use proxy magazines. Katiba magazine model is based on MX magazine model..
Nov 5 2018, 6:26 PM · Arma 3
distractor2004 renamed T133342: Katiba, Vermin, Sting, Protector, SDAR, CMR, and Type 114, do not use proxy magazines. Katiba magazine model is based on MX magazine model. from No Vanilla Proxy Mags Support Vanilla Proxy Magazine Features to No Vanilla Mags Support Vanilla Proxy Magazine Features.
Nov 5 2018, 5:12 PM · Arma 3
distractor2004 updated the task description for T133342: Katiba, Vermin, Sting, Protector, SDAR, CMR, and Type 114, do not use proxy magazines. Katiba magazine model is based on MX magazine model..
Nov 5 2018, 5:07 PM · Arma 3
distractor2004 created T133342: Katiba, Vermin, Sting, Protector, SDAR, CMR, and Type 114, do not use proxy magazines. Katiba magazine model is based on MX magazine model..
Nov 5 2018, 4:49 PM · Arma 3

May 10 2016

distractor2004 edited Steps To Reproduce on T80787: Add Micro Tavor / mTar-21, X95 SMG, X95S, and X95 7.62 and FIA units for the FIA Faction.
May 10 2016, 10:09 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 edited Steps To Reproduce on T77263: Encountering periscope bug with Ifrit/Hunter HMG/GMG variants similar to ticket 0017112.
May 10 2016, 8:23 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 added a comment to T77263: Encountering periscope bug with Ifrit/Hunter HMG/GMG variants similar to ticket 0017112.

Just wanted to add that this bug is also affecting the scopes of static weapons as well in the latest Stable build. If you place a an HMG or GMG car or static weapons in the editor, after starting and restarting the same mission sevreal times you will eventually not be able to use the scopes of any car or vanilla static weapon.

Usually occurs after the third or fourth restart but sometimes right away. Tested with no mods running.

May 10 2016, 8:23 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 added a comment to T75471: Helicopters and periscope bug..

I am experiencing the same problem even with the latest Win Episode Patch, 1.14+ I think.

May 10 2016, 7:37 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 added a comment to T73698: Game crashes when changing video settings or press alt+enter. Dev 111011..

Same here with latest dev build, freezes for me whenever I try to change anything up or down in quality.

May 10 2016, 6:49 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 added a comment to T73313: All ArmaVerse in official DLC packs.

+1 Maybe what the developers should do is "outsource" porting content to Arma 3 from previous releases, from OFP to Arma 3 OA, then quality-check modder submissions, and/or have a contest to reward players for the best content like the Make Arma Not War contest . The end result should be free DLC for Arma 3 Supporter Editions and very cheap DLC for the rest. Just my suggestion.

May 10 2016, 6:38 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 added a comment to T72442: Camp Maxwell appears on the Editors pause menu.

It seems to be replacing the Team Switch function too. Before Camp Maxwell showed up, I could switch to another playable unit if I died, now I can't seem to do that. After some experimenting I discovered that the "Camp Maxwell" option is overlapping the "Team Switch" option. If you run the editor with two or more playable units, and then you die, you can hit tab to select the "Team Switch" option hidden behind the "Camp Maxwell" option. I guess BIS needs to add an extra "\br" to the menu code.

May 10 2016, 6:13 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 edited Steps To Reproduce on T71707: MX Magazines should be interchangeable with ALL MX rifles, 100 round MX mag is not.
May 10 2016, 5:53 AM · Arma 3
distractor2004 added a comment to T68439: RECON class (blufor) silencer only on medic???.

Voting this one up to for a simple and quick cfg fix, seems inconsistent compared to the OpFor's Recon Scout loadout.

May 10 2016, 3:54 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

distractor2004 added a comment to T59682: MX SW With suppressor is semi-auto only.

Voting up on this one, the MX should have fire select with or without the silencer, and I have noticed that CSAT's MG actually has select fire. Want to add that the 100 round mags should be interchangeable with ALL MX rifles, not just the MX SW, but I will look for closer matching ticket on that.

May 9 2016, 7:09 PM · Arma 3
distractor2004 added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

I also want to add that the analog Z-Axis trigger works with firing a weapon when you have an Xbox One Controller enabled under the "Controllers With Scheme" section under configure controllers, and you can see the pre-mapped buttons in gray in the various control layouts (except for the trigger button(s) in the "Fire" mapping, but they still fire when pressed...).

If you have the Xbox Controller under "Customizable Controllers", the "Fire" command no longer responds to the same trigger as it did when the controller was under "Controllers With Scheme". It will still not respond even if you chose the Xbox 360 mapping under Customize->Schemes.

Since it appears Arma 3 has pretty good support for the Xbox controller overall, and the trigger button works when enabled under "Controllers With Scheme", I think this issue should be looked at as a bug at this point vs a low priority feature request.

Thanks and keep up the great work!

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3