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User Since
Dec 18 2013, 4:44 PM (582 w, 12 h)

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Dec 16 2019

bjarnegronnevik created T147469: Fell under the map.
Dec 16 2019, 8:05 PM · DayZ

May 10 2016

bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T98117: Food won't be consumed and removes consumption options.

The cause of this seems to be as follows:

  • Open a can or find a dinkable in vicinity.
  • Drink/Eat/Eat all
  • Change direction of player or fiddle around in the inventory in general. Changing direction seems to be the culprit.


  • Nothing is consumed.
  • No option to consume anything until server switch or re-connect.

Not sure, but this seemes to start happening at the same time the game got invisible sardines... Probably unrelated.

May 10 2016, 10:02 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T94847: Mosin & PU Scope: Rain Not Visible Through Scope When Raining.

Seems to be an issue for all types of scopes and binoculars.

Not sure raindrops would actually be visible as close things will be totally blurred out due to beeing totally out of focus, but some form of visibility degradation should be present I guess.

May 10 2016, 8:10 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T92943: Eating 0% food item reduces hunger.

A can of sardines did not show this bug, but a sereal box did.

May 10 2016, 6:55 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik edited Steps To Reproduce on T92943: Eating 0% food item reduces hunger.
May 10 2016, 6:55 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik edited Steps To Reproduce on T91674: Bayonet though door.
May 10 2016, 6:15 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T90631: [Closed] Weapon attachments flicker in and out.

I get this on medium GFX as well, without any changes to local settings files.

May 10 2016, 5:39 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik edited Steps To Reproduce on T90609: Errounous shadows in front of bookshelf.
May 10 2016, 5:38 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik edited Steps To Reproduce on T90608: "Ipsum Lorum" text on can of beans.
May 10 2016, 5:38 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T90440: Plastic Containers Stackable?.

Same with backpacks, any backpack can contain a backpack of the same size.

May 10 2016, 5:33 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik edited Steps To Reproduce on T90287: Refillable liquid containers behaving unexpected.
May 10 2016, 5:27 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T90287: Refillable liquid containers behaving unexpected.

Good point. It looks like all types of containers derive from the same base behavior/class. For cans and bottles, the behaviour is kind of OK(a ravioli can beeing replacable with a spagetti can as an example), but for containers that may wildly differ in contents(like ammo boxes and med packs) the behavior breaks down as they are generally not seamlessly replacable by each other.

May 10 2016, 5:27 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T90060: Hard to get in to Zub main tower.

Similar to bug 0000011

May 10 2016, 5:20 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik set Category to category:structures on T90060: Hard to get in to Zub main tower.
May 10 2016, 5:20 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik edited Steps To Reproduce on T90058: Aiming through M4A1 T3N RDS sight broken when wearing mountain backpack.
May 10 2016, 5:20 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T90054: Loading a weapon with 1 round when you don't have a magazine.

You can... Just make sure you have loose ammo that fits the weapon type and that it is in your inventory(not in a pack or a magazine)...

May 10 2016, 5:20 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T89714: When dropping loot it sometimes disapears forever.

I suspect the "disapear forever bug" and "drop through floor bug" are the same. It just gets confused with the "disappear for a while bug" when reported as it would be pretty hard as a player to know the actual error.

Yes: Sometimes it takes a while for a dropped item to appear on the ground. And as this bug also exists it is hard to know when it has dropped under the floor and when you just need to whait a bit.

I suspect the "disapear forever bug" is the same as the "drop through floor bug", the only difference is if there is an accessible floor under the one you dropped it on. If your floor is the wilderness, it is gone(or at least unreacable for you). If the floor is the second floor of a building, you will be able to find it on the floor below if it is accssible.

Very annoying when it happens to your filled ammo box... :)

May 10 2016, 5:07 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T89469: Zombie attacking air.

Found a rater lonely pissed off zombie in this state in Kozlovka.
Kind of liked the "You can't quit, you are in combat" functionality that was in the mod. Hope something similar will be put in S.A. before release.

May 10 2016, 4:58 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T88492: After a few minutes in game I get teleported back to where I spawned in and the game loses all input capabilities.

Since version 0.30.113925 this happens regularly when running long distance. I empty my hands, double tap W to start running. Typically hold down ALT as well too look around while keeping the same heading.

After 5-10 minutes I get thrown back a bit(not as far as others seem to indicate). The game stops accepting input from keyboard and mouse and the only way out is to kill the game process.

An interesting addition here is that the game seems to be running fine. The landscape is still animating and souns are playing, ithe issue is that the game no longer responds to my input(including refusing accessing the menu and such things), so this is not a full "game frozen" issue.

May 10 2016, 4:23 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T87419: Eating Vitamins uses the Bandaging Animation.

Indded, seems to be same problem as bug 561.

May 10 2016, 3:37 PM · DayZ
bjarnegronnevik added a comment to T86431: Weapon attachments become invisible..

Same happens for me in the intro screen(where your glorious survivor basks in maximum lense flare).
Seems rather random. Eiter I get an M4 with all attachments intact OR an M4 with attachments flickering when I turn my survivor OR just an M4 with nothing attached.

And by nothing attached I mean nothing but the base weapon model: no sights, no magazines, no flashlight, no bipod, no grip or stock.

May 10 2016, 1:07 PM · DayZ