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- User Since
- Mar 10 2013, 2:37 AM (629 w, 4 h)
May 10 2016
Also appears to apply to "B_Respawn_TentDome_F" tents.
+1 here too... ARMA also seems to crash if I select "Internet" in the Host(non-dedicated) server options.
This has only happenned in the last week or so (I've been editinga MP mission over the last few months, and testing in the hosted (non-dedicated) server environment was fine last week.
Similar isues with Nvidia GTX560ti (Latest drivers); Core i7; 8MB RAM; same basic issue regardless of graphics settings anywhere from 1920x1080 with sattings on "V.High" to "Ultra" etc, down to 1280x... with settings on "Standard" or switched off. ie - anything from 5-20 minutes of MP gameplay, and then "random" crash to desktop with no obvious reason.
May 9 2016
Hi all,
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
@italics – I agree there is value in anchoring your weapon/binoculars to the most pressing location. However, through situational awareness, what is the most pressing location might *very* rapidly change (no point continuing to look at that specific bush in a forest that you *though* was the most likely point of threat/contact, if turning to your left means you spot an OPFOR patrol…)
@jakeryan760 – “the system in place can get very troublesome when you find an enemy and have to take your eye off them to snap back to your rifle” – this is an excellent summary of the problem I am getting at. Perhaps my solution is not the best, but it is this whole “taking your eye off the enemy” that I think is a bit of a problem.
@johncage – I cannot see how commenting on “the quality/quantity of animation talent at bis” meaningfully contributes to discussing the issue that I have raised.
@Ender – “just dont use freelook and your problem is solved” – Well…yes…technically. But that’s a bit like saying “just don’t shoot at anyone, and you won’t have any problems with aiming” :-)
a blushing crow
Thanks for the feedback - I totally agree there would be technical difficulties to implement.
What I would really like BIS to consider is the underlying principle - move gun/optics/aiming to where you're looking - not move the direction you are looking back to the direction your gun is facing - why? - because it's what you'd naturally do in reality...
IMHO - the quality of all the tactics you deploy ARMA boil down to your level of situational awareness (as it should in a MilSim). Being forced back to 'look straight ahead' from 'freelook' when going to optics significantly compromises your awareness (it might only be for a moment - but its often at the most critical moment, when you make enemy contact in an unforeseen situation)
WarRemains - sorry - I don't follow your logic - can you clarify. As I see it... 1) To a third party, the player's character would still be looking in the same direction - only with weapon raised. 2) The 'reverse animation' already occurs when players go from "free-look" to "straight ahead optics" - and this is fine - so I can't see why the reverse would not be fine.
SmallBlackSheep/grodenn/SNT_Michael - I agree might be better if optional - perhaps essential - that it can be turned off for TrackIR/Oc-Rift users.
How does optics work for TrackIR users now? - I've never used one (I mean - in optics mode, do you control where you're aiming with the mouse, or with you're head - or both?...
@LolaLimelight - yes, problem is the same as previously reported as at build:
- 0.59.105679.
Thanks for looking at this.
Just noticed - also appears to relate to issue: 0000727
A Blushing Crow - In my humble view this is a *major* issue - it substantially compromises the huge efforts that have gone into adding the finer level of control players now have over their stances - stances that I'm sure players will no doubt use pretty often in Infantry combat.
No one will appreciate being in a low crouch in a fire-fight, only to have their head blown-off due to "popping up" when needing to re-load - surely that's a fast track to really annoying buyers of a very hardcore mil-sim!
My suggestions (as a non weapon expert) would be
- allow/animate reloading in the position the player is in. OR
- force player's character to go down (prone?) and *not up* to animate re-load.
(No idea if there should/would/could be different "stay at low stance" vs "go prone" animations depending on every different weapon that might need to be reloaded from a low-crouch position. If different weapons would require different "low-reload" stances in 'real life' then that might be nice to work on later, but - IMHO - would not be a priority now. But, I certainly think that ensuring player's stay below/behind cover when reloading is certainly a priority.
+1 to Tourorist's suggestion and/or a dedicated key press - I vote "2xB" for 'Big Bang' :-)