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AH-9 - rocket "x-hair" might need calibrating - rockets consistently drop below "x-hairs" at 300-500m
Reviewed, NormalPublic


When using the rockets in the AH-9 the white "x-hair" seems a little high - particularly when view is "zoomed in" - ie rockets consistently hit below/short-of the targets in th "x-hairs" - at ranges of less than 300-500m.

Please don't get me wrong - I am all for realistic balistic trajectories/drop off etc, and I am certanly no rocket/helecopter expert.

However, IMHO I figure...

  1. 300m -500m is not an unrealistically far distance to engage (vehicles) in an AH-9 (if anything it's unrealistically *close* for engagement!)
  2. In 2035, I would guess that the manufacturer of the AH-9 would calibrate the "x-hairs" for some sort of "reasonable engagement distance" (?500-800m?), and that the calibration would account for "rocket drop".

A Blushing Crow


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Fly the AH-9. Try to hit something with rockets from 300-500 meters away using the "x-hairs" as a guide.

Event Timeline

ablushingcrow edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ablushingcrow set Category to Gameplay.
ablushingcrow set Reproducibility to Always.
ablushingcrow set Severity to Tweak.
ablushingcrow set Resolution to Open.
ablushingcrow set Legacy ID to 1014358609.May 7 2016, 12:07 PM

Please let us know in note section if you are still able to reproduce this issue in latest Developement build.

@LolaLimelight - yes, problem is the same as previously reported as at build:

  • 0.59.105679.

Thanks for looking at this.

This suggestion was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.