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- User Since
- Feb 4 2016, 9:32 AM (474 w, 6 d)
May 22 2021
And by the way it's the same for the Type 63...
May 10 2016
Yeah, the pathfinding is stupid, that's a fact. For example, take an AI and put it in a vehicle, driver position, and put it on a road. Order to him to move on the same road, but 1 kilometer away. Sometimes he will just follow the road as expected, but sometimes for no reason he will just go offroad and bump into trees, rocks, and finally re-take the road.
I want more simulation on vehicles.... When you play like me, as a crewman everytime, you want more simulations on them. For example, I would like to see more informations on the HUD of tanks/IFV, and having lot more possibility as the commander of it. In reality, the commander of the Leopard 2A4 for example can force align the gunner view with his view, in order to destroy targets more efficiently.
Yeah, so vote up if you agree please. Vehicles in ArmA 3 are completly forgotten, there's almost nothing new on them in each update...
Please, add some ammo to IFVs. Such things like this should have already be done 2 years ago ! The game updates seriously lack of gameplay improvements...
Yeah, but I'm not talking of adding 1 000 more rounds to IFVs. Just for example on the AMV-7 : Why not 100 GPR-T and 80 APFSDS-T ? It would be nicer to increase the capacity by 30-40%. And yes handling MBTs is difficult, but it is just for the reproduction purpose.
No one think like me ?
+ 1