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- User Since
- Mar 11 2013, 10:51 AM (623 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
4 votes and other people are getting this error? I'm saved! I truly thought this was not happening to anyone, I was really worried. Thank you for coming forward.
Honestly I've be happy if you hand came up to enable nvg's and your wrist had a watch. Beyond that I'm not too picky.
Also to note, this is running a -server that crashes. This is not a client crash problem. The server always crashes before any clients and gives no in-game errors.
This kind of surprised me, as it crashed pretty reliable without throwing frags as far as I knew. But I'm getting the same mem alloc. addy's so I believe it. I'm really stoked we have so many people rocking and rolling on an alpha and it makes the devs jobs a lot faster trying to find and troubleshoot this stuff. I'm hoping for a stable hotfix, so I dont have to switch server to dev.
I plan on also posting on the recoil issue, but agreed. I have had the pleasure of visiting the weapons range at marine air station yuma and putting a lot of rounds downrange of many of the weapons, basically every type the USMC uses including L/HMG's. I have a friend with an M4 variant which I have personally purchased and fired hundreds, if not thousands of rounds (So expensive!!) I have also spent thousands of dollars and years visiting closed ranges and shooting attempting to shoot every weapon ever made. I can tell you standing up using an acog type scope and looking at a target anywhere within a couple hundred meters and whilst controlling my breathing I can keep barrel on target quite easily, after multiple shots. Using the M4 I could hit a chest sized rock at around 200 meters mountain top to mountain top using nothing but a ACO and firing about 1 round per second or two seconds. Recoil was negligible after I had fired enough rounds to account for it. I find after I have gotten the handle of a specific weapon recoil is automatic and my sight picture always returns without any effort whatsoever. Its natural.
If you try to get an RCO in game on one of the rifles, zoom in on a target less than a hundred meters away while standing or crouching the figure 8 weapon sway is so exaggerated it makes it ridiculous. A trained (US) soldier can maintain most of this focus whilst under fire IRL. Yet in-game I am about as accurate as I would be standing with one leg. This is very much my opinion and up for debate, but I believe the sway and recoil, is a bit exaggerated.
May 9 2016
They were waiting to be called heroes. As soon as that happened---> APPROVED.
I shall now apply heroes to all my posts.
While I dont agree with shooting out of an up-armored humvee or mrap I do wish for the ability to fire out of choppers and light vehicles, like pickup trucks, crrc's and generally any vehicle where your butt hangs out.
Also being able to use a pistol in the situation and reload, must have.
When I monitor my server at a really fps intensive time it always shows the server around 50-30 fps. However all the clients and myself are reporting 1-15 fps. I have tried adjusting the basic server cfg to drop the graphics down, and I have tried to lower all settings on the client, nothing seems to do the trick.
My specs:
[email protected]
12G mem
W7 64x
-cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7
Thanks for saying what I really wanted to. I didnt want to offend anyone but I was thinking exactly what you said. Back on topic, I have been following this and for all the combat/non-combat vets with more shooting experience than myself, I really respect your opinions in here and I do hope BIS is watching this and tweaks the game to a more realistic experience.
Shooting and moving shouldnt be impossible. I die at least 90% of the time when I'm trying to assault and shoot and its because it is simply impossible to keep the muzzle on target even while at the combat walking pace. In real life I know that I shoot much better than that.
I posted on the weapon sway issue this same comment. I have had the pleasure of visiting the weapons range at marine air station yuma and putting a lot of rounds downrange of many of the weapons, basically every type the USMC uses including L/HMG's. I have a friend with an M4 variant which I have personally purchased and fired hundreds, if not thousands of rounds (So expensive!!) I have also spent thousands of dollars and years visiting closed ranges and shooting attempting to shoot every weapon ever made. I can tell you standing up using an acog type scope and looking at a target anywhere within a couple hundred meters and whilst controlling my breathing I can keep barrel on target quite easily, after multiple shots. Using the M4 I could hit a chest sized rock at around 200 meters mountain top to mountain top using nothing but a ACO and firing about 1 round per second or two seconds. Recoil was negligible after I had fired enough rounds to account for it. I find after I have gotten the handle of a specific weapon recoil is automatic and my sight picture always returns without any effort whatsoever. Its natural.
If you try to get an RCO in game on one of the rifles, zoom in on a target less than a hundred meters away while standing or crouching the figure 8 weapon sway is so exaggerated it makes it ridiculous. A trained (US) soldier can maintain most of this focus whilst under fire IRL. Yet in-game I am about as accurate as I would be standing with one leg. This is very much my opinion and up for debate, but I believe the sway and recoil, is a bit exaggerated.
I would also like to note that anyone who hasnt should watch the vids lighthammer posted. There are a good insight into how an active and practiced operator handles a weapon. Very much different to what we have in game.
Im noticing all the people who have really handled weapons are saying how unrealistic it is, all the people with limited/no experience are saying its fine. Well since there are far more people playing this game who have never put significant rounds downrange I feel this issue is destined for failure.