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- User Since
- Aug 24 2018, 3:42 AM (341 w, 5 d)
Aug 19 2019
i've figured it out, basically it's when you have a lot of gear in your inventory (at least a filled up backpack) i remembered you guys talked about how loot is stuck in a 3d model in the inventory so perhaps whenever you go to equip a item/change mags with the full inventory it refreshes the inventory UI to show that the gun you have in your hands (or just put in your hands) is no longer in your inventory and it reloads all the 3d models of all the stuff currently in your inventory
Jul 27 2019
this is stuff that happens with a player in the passenger and without a player in the passenger
Jul 19 2019
Jul 5 2019
No it is not and do not say it is again, me and everyone else in my server can't use the emote menu. i swear if you made then NOT release the fix for this once it does get released i will not be happy
the Emote menu is still broken @Geez and it is still game breaking, hope to see a patch for it come out soon, thank you
if it's fixed on EXP it should be released on stable ASAP, people have been having there game be ruined by this bug in stable
Jul 2 2019
Apr 26 2019
yeah that's basically the same with me, but with cars and zombies/shooting... the engine needs to have some updates to how it handles entities and map loading I think
Feb 22 2019
Yes that is what happens
I agree... I hate holding down CTRL