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- User Since
- Feb 6 2015, 9:03 PM (528 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
Items like magnums and other handguns do the same thing.
Same. every time on exit.
Windows 8.1
Happens when chopping two bushes close together. Sometimes the second chop does not show sticks. Fireplace and wood disappear in houses, etc.
Happens when chopping two bushes close together. Sometimes the second chop does not show sticks.
Interesting. TY. Will try that. Went a couple hours and halfway across the map not being able to pick things up. Hot bar appeared not to be working as well. Things invisible in my hand, etc.
Ran the same check on my server and others. Smoking and non smoking helis. Not a single piece of anything anywhere since yesterday morning.
I just encountered this on my server as well. Pants seem to be off by one level thus the top level loot is suspended 15ft in the air above the roof, I swapped out a pair of pants in the building and "poof" the others I put on the floor disappeared instantly. Any inventory you may have had in them is gone with it
I agree. No batteries, no 45ACP.
I encountered this on my server last night. Time of Day was messed up as well. Vilayer had to revert the system to fix it which meant trucks disappeared from their persistent location. The only thing that saved me was that apples still grew on trees.
Lost a 75 rnd drum on my gun and another in my bag
That is brutal.
Awesome! Thank you.
This is in the military base itself South of the airfield and just east of vybor between vybor and kabanino.
UPDATE: Thank you everyone for this feedback. After 6 days of searching I was able to find a pot. I created a fireplace added the cooking tripod, placed contents in the pot by viewing contents, added the pot to the fire and was able to cook the meat.
Now, the only question I have is what is the purpose of the fireplace slots if they just ruin things? You can store anything in there until you light the fire. Like a mini tent.
Yes, it is the 20 litre Jerry can. Could never get it to bring up the menu. Now that my colleague was also killed when the truck shook on top of him as he stood beside it we are now paranoid to even get close to the truck for any length of time to try and fill it.