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New School Building - Swapping Pants makes the old one disappear
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It is known, that when you´re inside a building or an area and you swap some of your clothing e.g. your pants, sometimes your "old" pants don´t appear on the ground in front of you, but often outside at the threshold of the building you´re in. Knowing that, makes it easy to recover your "old" clothes (and often the items they carry). Now the problem with the new school building is, that almost everytime I swap my pants, my "old" pants disappear, and i cant seem to find them anywhere, not at the threshold of the room nor the whole building, they´re gone with all the items I carried in them.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Go inside the "New School" and ->SWAP<- a pair of pants with the ones you´re wearing.

Additional Information

Maybe (and hopefully) I´m too blind to recover them and someone already found out where you can find your old pants. Will appreciate your tips.

Event Timeline

Katana edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 15 2015, 4:14 PM
Katana edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Katana set Category to General.
Katana set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Katana set Severity to None.
Katana set Resolution to Open.
Katana set Legacy ID to 2979018593.May 8 2016, 10:59 PM

sometimes they are flying in the air above the building or one floor above you.

I just encountered this on my server as well. Pants seem to be off by one level thus the top level loot is suspended 15ft in the air above the roof, I swapped out a pair of pants in the building and "poof" the others I put on the floor disappeared instantly. Any inventory you may have had in them is gone with it