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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 12:27 AM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
You can tune down or up these effects with Logitech Profiler.
Did it for my G940 as the default effects were too strong making my desk rattle.
Can't reproduce with a Logitech G940.
Are your reproduction steps full? Cause if you click Esc there is no config but there is Configure and clicking that there is no OK button, it expands the various Configure suboptions.
Anyway, I went Configure>Controls>Controller>Logitech G940 Joystick>Customize>OK and various other ways clicking between menus and the joystick never stopped working.
Are you starting with -world =empty?
If I put every option at minimum with -world =empty I get 800 FPS in the menu.
Nothing strange about that as there is no frame limiter and there is almost nothing to render.
You can enable vsync to limit FPS to 60.
May 9 2016
Close issue. Search criteria were not reset. I propose search criteria should be reset every time you visit the site.
You are right, my bad. One filter wasn't set to any.
Please close.
Can confirm the problem using stable branch and using a simple password with a mix of small and capital letters.
Probably related to and
Please allow also combinations of modifier keys with joysticks (mini joystick in Logitech G13).