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Force feedback joystick constantly vibrating when flying helicopter
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Using a Logitech G940, when starting the engines of a helicopter, the stick starts vibrating. The vibration strength increases exponentially with engine RPM, which makes me think this might be an attempt at a feature rather than a bug. It should probably be removed to avoid unnecessary wear on the joystick.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Have a Logitech G940 plugged in and installed
Enter a helicopter in game
Start the engines and raise RPM

Event Timeline

Maxicus edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 30 2013, 9:44 PM
Maxicus edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Maxicus set Category to Controls.
Maxicus set Reproducibility to Always.
Maxicus set Severity to None.
Maxicus set Resolution to Open.
Maxicus set Legacy ID to 3006422796.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

You can tune down or up these effects with Logitech Profiler.
Did it for my G940 as the default effects were too strong making my desk rattle.

Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

A vibrating joystick? I wish mine would vibrate...I mean force feedback..>.>

Fri13 added a subscriber: Fri13.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM
Fri13 added a comment.Sep 12 2013, 5:39 PM

The suggestions from Logitech engineers is for Force Feedback settings:
Overall Effects Strength and Damber Effect Strength is set over 100% (102-104% example) so you get them to react correctly.