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- Mar 6 2013, 10:12 AM (623 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
my comment was a complete misinterpretation of the issue. Removed it...sorry Das.
try closing steam before launching the arma3server.exe - it has worked for me
-credits for this workaround go to bhaz.
I have the same issue with BIS MP Missions -
It appears to be an issue with 64Bit windows. No fix as yet.
Confirmed no crash on execute after vehicle moved. Tested AI and player driven vehicle in Dev Branch
Confirmed - uplodaded rpt, and dmp files in zip
there must be something that will make this work because having another unit enter will usually kick the unit out anyway.
Or is that a physx ragdoll effect that causes that to happen?
I see from a related-to fbt issue that it stops units entering also.
This change would mean comparisons between branches would be easier to accomplish due to being able to run separate versions. Compare code changes on functions etc. It would mean those tweaking mods could test out changes on the RC without compromising the integrity of the standard branch they edit in.
currently when using the betas tab to change to an RC version it will make the changes on the main install of Arma, I would like to have RC versions loaded separately to make comparisons easier to compare by being able to select the version I run.
appears to be fixed in RC 1.32.127672
thanks bhaz, worked for me, thanks for posting the workaround.
No change since Helicopters DLC went to stable.
Still happening on new release of stable branch.
I tested with new install of 64-bit. I have tried under 64-bit windows running a virtual machine (vmware) as 32bit windows and didn't get the crash (my only issue was firewalls and could not be seen on internet- only LAN).
Note: I have had crash even without a player joining the server.
A_Hoernchen - ntdll.dll is a 64bit OS file, it is the link library between 32bit programs and the 64bit OS.
the issue with having to use 32bit os is the memory restrictions.
max is approx 3.25GB. the rest can be used with ramdisk programs, but a lot of work to fix something that was working before.
edited post above - 32bit did work in VM, no crash. tested again and ran for hours, just firewall and port forwarding got messed up so i couldn't see it on internet. my end so 32 bit does appear to function.
After only one successful run on Tuesday night for a couple of hours. all attempts to run the server again have failed with the same issue.
I tried -enableht on server and client, on client only, on server only and neither. all crash with same error, i thought this may have been an issue.
I have not changed any settings on the server in the last few days so am now out of options for a successful run. - have tried again after deleting profile as bhaz states above, no success.
i can Upload more rpt and dump files in case it may help more.
Bhaz, it could have been a read/write error due to using the same - I did get warnings on the client when running the server with no server.cfg file; the file is locked or already in use sort of error, can't recall the whole thing now.
FYI - Added rpt file and dmp files for 1.32RC as released today, still crashes with same errors.
I'm in the middle of reinstalling windows on an SSD just to see if it changes the ntdll.dll error - I tested on a virtual machine with Win7 32bit installed and found no problems with around 40 min testing. Could be 64bit related. Will update when finished downloading server and game files.
EDIT: approx 1 hour later, all looks promising and appears no crashes. Must have been a corrupted file(s) causing the problem.
Will give more feedback in a week when I get more time to test (after work)...
thanks DemonGod - I'll close this and leave the info to have your's voted up.
I searched for IR strobe and not grenade, didn't think of that for some reason.
I believe this was an issue in the main game before Zeus.
Just tested in editor IR= createvehicle ["NVG_TargetW",(getpos player),[],0,"NONE"]; does create and IR strobe at player's feet and deletevehicle IR removes the object and the flashing light source
Maybe a primary and a PDW - but I agree.
I have mapped pgup and pgdn to the mouse tilt for weapon zeroing. I have Logitech g500, using the LGS you can set up a profile for each game and have them auto load on game load, or have a profile you select manually.
i have not seen any game use scroll wheel left/right in its game mapping. I am sure it is as fireball said only a windows function.
back up your Arma 3 folders in my documents then delete all those folders; open the game and re-test with all settings back to default. - not a guaranteed fix but it may help. You can then tweak all settings you had. it may take time but it has worked for others.
I have hosted missions on local machine (for testing) using arma3server.exe and get the same type of rpt spam on stable build. Mine are not limited to unit p3d files there are a lot of building ones as well. On Altis.
Ref to nonnetwork object 630f0100# 1771422: house_small_02_v1_ruins_f.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 630f0100# 1771422: house_small_02_v1_ruins_f.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 78bc3200# 1771428: shop_01_v1_ruins_f.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 78bc3200# 1771428: shop_01_v1_ruins_f.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 7d223200# 1771414: slum_house02_ruins_f.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 7d223200# 1771414: slum_house02_ruins_f.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 7b794f00# 1771412: house_big_01_v1_ruins_f.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 7b794f00# 1771412: house_big_01_v1_ruins_f.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 18de2400# 1771416: slum_house03_ruins_f.p3d
Ref to nonnetwork object 18de2400# 1771416: slum_house03_ruins_f.p3d
One rpt file was over 12mb with this spamming the majority of the details
FYI sitrep 00030 stated that DayZ items are available in dev branch as of today.
I understand the reasoning behind having a large compass in front of you as in real life you are focusing on the compass to get a bearing etc. and not on the surrounding area. but it is too big and needs to be scaled down. +1
I would like to see ALL of the animation types from ambientAnim put into ambientAnimCombat. There are a lot there that would add some nice ambiance to a mission. - upvoted
agreed - I was going to start a ticket so good thing I searched first.....
i have tried
[player] call bis_fnc_sandstorm
and got an error about a missing p3d file
I am sure this is it.
LODShape::Preload: shape 'a3\data_f\data\particleeffects\universal\universal.p3d' not found
Warning Message: Cannot open object a3\data_f\data\particleeffects\universal\universal.p3d
I have noticed the same, but I used moveincargo for the units as they were to be there at the start of the mission.
One guys just runs behind the truck following the waypoints.
Still an issue after update to 1.04.111745 (stable)
Fixed in 1.02 update.
note: the class name of the unit can still be selected for copy and paste functionality.
this still happens in the latest DEV patch
fair call, but should it be editable?
granted it goes back to default, but I don't think it should be able to take text input... if it comes back as intended then I am fine with that
had this happen a lot in wasteland servers. takes ages to find the option to look at the dead unit gear.
I get the hand icon for the weapon more than the 'reload' icon for the inventory.
stable build.
may be a little off topic, but a naming standardisation built into the editor would help make this work a lot better too. Rather than just having a mission name (save name) and letting the maker do the work.
The editor should probably have the number of players entered in a field, and the gameplay type. then the rest can be up to the maker to name.
On topic, if the MPMissions was sortable by max slots it would be good, but the mission selection screen would have to parse the description.ext for each mission when the screen came up, that could slow the whole screen to a crawl with large numbers of missions.
Still getting this when using arma3server.exe on loacl machine for testing a MP mission.
LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\empty.p3d]
LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_sniper_f.p3d]
LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_marksman_f.p3d]
LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d]
LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_hamr.p3d]
and more......
an alternative to the 'stealing of gear' could be a simple menu system when facing the person. if htey have the same type of ammo/weapon you do, then its a request ammo or give ammo control.
thats it.
will have to wait for BIS to fix in an update, but its not critical so could take some time.
Has any update been seen since the changes in the lighting seen in the latest stable build?
Thanks for update below LT.
Will hope for resolution in the near future and LG's electrical grid!!!
Just a thought, the work around may have an alternative option now the lights can be shot out.
Does the light have to be set to full damage for the light to go out?
it may be linked to this that I just put up without seeing the above.
WORK AROUND: turning on night vision and turning off fixes the issue.
be aware changing in game quality settings can also reproduce this bug.
NV fix also worked here.
same issue here on nvidia 560ti with 314.07 drivers on win7 x64
now aware of the NV trick will check if it works.
May 9 2016
my only issue is that it seems to be locked to a 45 degree angle left and right rather than a true freelook with the sights up.
I have a video here of a similar occurence, using the red dot sight.
I was using default bind of left alt - or the num* to freelook.
Will check if trackIR can recreate same issue.
Sorry for background chatter - don't think I took audio out.
Can confirm on any side and any equipment, whether the vest, clothing or backpack.
You can only equip if server host drops on the ground first.
Not possible if running on "dedicated"