User Details
- User Since
- Oct 12 2016, 10:26 AM (441 w, 1 h)
Jul 20 2017
Hello ItzJono,
We are very thankful for you being part of our journey, but there are no advantages to players who owned the game before it was released. Not sure what made you think there was something to gain by playing during the open prototype :)
If you desire something more as mentioned by Vietwitch, there is Argo Supporter's Pack available for you.
Jun 21 2017
Hi Jakob,
I will address rest of the feedback.
- More non hardcore servers - that has already been addressed, it was an experiment, but we noticed out player base isn't pleased with the steep learning curve. Now the servers are about 60/40 in favour of Easy(Formerly Normal)
- Lobby feature is sadly something that is absolutely out of scope for us, we will encourage players to use Steam's "Join game" feature, which if you choose to use it will connect you directly to the server where your friend is, if there is free slot.
- If you know Arma, which you apparently do from the number of hours you put into it, you know desync and hitboxes is tale as old as time in Argo, and Argo is after all just Arma with new fancy coat.
4)Sound vise - After we finish the game and release, we will watch closely the feedback of player, we already heard some towards to footsteps and we will continue to track it.
- All about that Rank - Argo was and still is developed in rather small team, we will do what we can, and hope that our team will grow if the game succeeds - more people, more features.
- PR - we hope to improve it after the release, but as I (Producer) am also the person who takes care of our community, I can't right now expand it with Reddit. What I do plan to do is a create a program for the community members which will want to take part in moderating forums/reddit etc. Hope to announce it soon. So far everything is shared here, twitter, facebook and Steam Discussion.
So you might be hit up soon!
And overall thanks for your feedback, it's always lovely to our players being so passionate.
Jun 16 2017
Changed: XP requirements for levels have been adjusted. Your level might have dropped slightly.
Mar 28 2017
Will do :)
Feedback is what moves our game and us as a developers forward, so thanks for that.
This is what we hope for. Right now testing the game on smaller scale of dedicated players which are capable to overcome some of the technical issues and occasional bugs is whats probably the best for the game.
We appreciate your concern, it's always nice to see that players care :)
Project Argo is still in prototype, with very little advertisement and we are aware of the lower player count.
Recently Project Argo was mentioned in Arma 3 humble bundle and that has increased our numbers a little bit. Sadly, this is what usually happens with prototype, early access games, players are waiting for larger update or release. We do plan to have the game on Steam when it's released, and also advertise it more.
Thanks for your support.
Feb 23 2017
Feb 21 2017
Feb 7 2017
Feb 1 2017
Jan 24 2017
There is nothing to fix, the function works the same way in Arma. The crosshair points to the middle of the screen, which aligns with the bullet trajectory at a certain distance. Contrary to many shooters, the bullet in Arma is actually fired from the muzzle of the weapon, so in very close range, the bullet basically has not enough distance to reach the middle of the screen. The adaptive crosshair compensates this, because it tries to actually represent where the bullet will hit according to terrain features at which a player aims. If a player turns the adaptive crosshair off, they are required to have the so called muzzle awarness, since they cannot always rely on the crosshair alone.
Jan 23 2017
Hi, does this issue still occur?
Hi, by any chance did you transfer your Arma 3 profile to Argo? If not then are you playing on official or unofficial servers?
The way this works is aligned with the vision of Argo partially taking controls over from Arma 3 :)
Should be resolved by now :)
Hi, if you are still active, could you by any chance try to follow this guide and add the needed info?
This is an issue of collision present in both Argo and Arma 3. Sadly there is very little we can do.
Jan 18 2017
Jan 16 2017
Jan 13 2017
Jan 3 2017
Dec 19 2016
Dec 12 2016
This bug has been fixed and will be a part of the new update.
Thanks for reporting.
thanks for reporting, these bugs has been fixed and the fixed will be in game within the next update.
We have added some more fixed to this in the update 0.72.
If you come across it again, please do report it.
Lighthouse is no longer accessible.
Thanks for reporting :)
we are aware of this issue.
To explain what is happening. To respawn a player, engine should be controlling if there is enough space at the point of respawn. Sometimes apparently engine fails to do this and it results in spawning player in inappropriate place and launching him into the air or killing him.
We will try to gather repro and fix it, but be aware this bug is very elusive to reproduce/fix.
Thanks for reporting!
Dec 9 2016
Dec 6 2016
Dec 5 2016
Hi, thanks for reporting. This most likely issue connected with joining to game in progress.
This fix will be in an upcoming update, thanks for reporting!
Dec 2 2016
Nov 29 2016
we decided not to add any other servers other then those that are present (EU, US west, US east) for as long as Project Argo is in prototype.
Hi, this is very rare bug occurring in approx. 5% of respawns, we will try to reproduce and fix it.
Thanks for reporting.
Should be resolved, if you observe this again in upcoming update, please do report it.
This should be resolved now, it should be in game in update 0.73.
Nov 23 2016
Nov 22 2016
we weren't able to reproduce this issue, do you have any further information that could help us?