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Aug 13 2014, 7:49 PM (551 w, 4 d)

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May 11 2016

SlowMo23 added a comment to T109681: [SURVIVAL IDEA] Making fire without matches - bow drill/hand drill.

I like the idea. Both methods should consume a serious amount of energy.

I would like to add few more things:

a) Fishing spear (craftable)
b) guts for bait (or let us dig for worms with more tools)
c) small fishing rods (out of sticks, because you don´t catch Moby Dick :-) )

May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T109603: Zombies are running too fast / teleport.

It´s quite challenging, right - but I don´t think it´s OP.
Just try to be stealthy.

Finally they are some kind of threat now. For the acutal zombie population they are good, but as Zombie pop. raises you should consider at least lower their "health"

May 11 2016, 4:51 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T108469: the instruction at referenced memory at 0x00d03ea6 referenced at memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be written..

I can confirm this, works just fine now :-)

Thx a lot dude

May 11 2016, 4:12 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T108024: The instruction at 0x00cf2ea6 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be written..

I do have the same problem.
All the mentioned solutions didnt worked for me.

I even can´t optimize dayz via geforce experience, looks like geforce doesn´t get full access to the settings.

May 11 2016, 3:56 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T106170: "NO MESSAGE RECEIVED" every 15 minutes.

Both options didn´t solve this issue for me - still happening every 15 minutes

May 11 2016, 2:49 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T106170: "NO MESSAGE RECEIVED" every 15 minutes.

I do have the excact same issue for months now.
I doubt it has anything to do with Battleye, because Arma 3 runs without any trouble.

I reported it aswell: 0015538
Looked fix, but sadly wasn´t :-(

Edit: for me it happens <excactly> every 15 minutes in game

May 11 2016, 2:49 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T102305: Dayz says "no message received" after 10/25 minutes of flawless fast gameplay..

Well for me the problem is back again aswell - see here

May 11 2016, 12:24 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T102305: Dayz says "no message received" after 10/25 minutes of flawless fast gameplay..

fixed again for me

May 11 2016, 12:24 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T102299: "NO MESSAGE RECEIVED" after 15-20minutes.

I am at work right now, can´t test myself.
Any feedback if it´s acutally fixed?

May 11 2016, 12:24 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T101948: No Message received for.... every 10-15 Minutes.

Played last night without any issues.
Looks like its been fixed.

I did verify my files though. One file seemed to be broken and was renewed

May 11 2016, 12:11 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T101948: No Message received for.... every 10-15 Minutes.

There you go. A fresh and brand new Dayz folder :-)

(Additional Info: I thought and read in other threads it might has to do with Arma 3 and / or Battleye, so I deleted my Arma 3 installation aswell as the Arma 3 AppData folder - sadly no success)

May 11 2016, 12:11 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T101948: No Message received for.... every 10-15 Minutes.

For me the problems started earlier. At least 2 patches back.

May 11 2016, 12:11 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T101948: No Message received for.... every 10-15 Minutes.

Chodeofwar is absolutely correct.

Maybe what JStewart means is that our Game already crashed and we disconnect because of a game crash. And no Game Crash because of disconnect.

May 11 2016, 12:11 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 added a comment to T101948: No Message received for.... every 10-15 Minutes.

Yes, it freezes the moment I hit "Exit" in the ingame menu.

Task Manager says "no response"

May 11 2016, 12:11 AM · DayZ
SlowMo23 set Category to category:support on T101948: No Message received for.... every 10-15 Minutes.
May 11 2016, 12:11 AM · DayZ