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Oct 1 2014, 1:31 PM (547 w, 1 d)

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May 11 2016

SirCrocodile added a comment to T106036: Weapong "Vibrating" and not aiming still..

If you drive a Truck, you will have the problem to rapidly cool off and shaking. So you always have to warm up at a fire after driving a Truck. Otherwise there is no precies aiming possible.

May 11 2016, 2:44 AM · DayZ
SirCrocodile edited Steps To Reproduce on T105892: Heli Crash Site loot disappeared from inventory after login to a server.
May 11 2016, 2:39 AM · DayZ
SirCrocodile added a comment to T105789: Death Bodies are unlootable -> No longer Teamplay possible.

i would not recommend using that technique in the middle of a gunfight ;) can confirm the problem with invisible bodies or wrong body position too.. In my case i relogged to the server and after a minute or two the bodies where just popping out of nowhere at there correct positions. But still i needed to be nearly naked to loot them wich is shitty

May 11 2016, 2:34 AM · DayZ
SirCrocodile added a comment to T105789: Death Bodies are unlootable -> No longer Teamplay possible.

looted a dead body just like the way i discribed yesterday. Worked fine for me

May 11 2016, 2:34 AM · DayZ
SirCrocodile added a comment to T105789: Death Bodies are unlootable -> No longer Teamplay possible.

Confirmed. Possible solution till Fix: Drop your own gear to the ground, then pick up death bodies gear. then drop it too and switch back to your own gear.

May 11 2016, 2:34 AM · DayZ
SirCrocodile added a comment to T104196: Damage taken from second floor of Fire Station.

Confirmed, happens to me twice, first time in the little town south of Novodimitrovsk, last time in Chernogorsk. I also broke my arm there too. And yes your pants get ruined too.

May 11 2016, 1:33 AM · DayZ
SirCrocodile edited Steps To Reproduce on T104188: Garden bench in building floor.
May 11 2016, 1:32 AM · DayZ
SirCrocodile added a comment to T103973: AK 101 spawns without stock and barrel..

I have seen this too. simply picking up the gun and throw it to the ground again seems to help just fine. after that everything should be where it has to be :)

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
SirCrocodile added a comment to T103972: gunshots not audible after login.

can confirm this. in about 50% of fired shots from my bro i cant hear anything. sometimes you can hear very silent shots, even from an akm or a mosin. Frag nades do not produce any sound too. throwed 3 of them so far and not a single one produce a bang. you can see the smoke from the explosion, but thats all.

May 11 2016, 1:25 AM · DayZ
SirCrocodile added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

For me it seems to be completly random with the temperature issue. Most of the time i play i am cold and freezing but there is no hypothermia problem at all. Even in the rain im not getting to could while getting spammed with lots of different status news like:

  • rapidly cooling of
  • slowly cooling of
  • i am cold
  • i am freezing
  • slowly warming up

even the cold or not cold status seems to be randomly jumping around. from freezing to nothing within seconds, and from nothing to shaking back again only a few seconds later. this happens often, nearly all the time im playing DayZ since the last little patch

May 11 2016, 1:17 AM · DayZ