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- User Since
- Nov 16 2018, 12:54 AM (328 w, 4 d)
Oct 27 2024
Have you downloaded the newest windows 11 update?
This is by design. You have 1 option. First person severs have a separate database from third person. Play the opposite of what you and your friend are playing on.
This is done so if a server shuts down or goes down for maintenance, you can log onto another server to play.
I suggest you and your friend find a community server to play on. Each community server has their own player database.
This is an issue on your end and not related to Dayz most likely. Try uninstalling your mouse driver and reinstalling.
May 31 2024
The infected being able to hear doors open and hearing you through walls is intended?
May 30 2024
I noticed immediately, even when crouch walking, infected will hear me through walls and further away than they normally would. Something odd going on for sure.
I didn’t get a chance to test at night time but this was during the day during my play through.
Oct 13 2023
Oct 7 2023
Nov 2 2022
Oct 20 2022
Type %appdata% in windows and it will take you to a folder called roaming I believe, click back 1 folder and find the dayz folder and delete it. (Not at my computer to confirm the exact steps but that will get you in the right area.
Just confirmed this is happening on my server as well.
Feb 3 2022
Jul 15 2021
Can confirm, zombies can hit you from below when you are standing on the second floor of the little camo net / sandbag bunker.
Dec 2 2020
Update. The server is still doing the low 1500 FPS drops. Happened during the next 4 hour session.
Update to this issue. My server has 4 hour restarts. I was home from work just before one of the restarts and was able to look back through the console. Not one instance this time where my server fps dipped to 1500 like it did previously. I am going to continue to monitor this tonight and will update again.
Dec 1 2020
Dec 15 2019
Would also be awesome if animals had some sort of bleed trail you could follow as well.
Jun 24 2019
May 19 2019
This needs to be fixed ASAP!
May 17 2019
May 12 2019
Here to confirm that my rangefinder will only display 999 for a range. Removing battery and placing a new battery in results in the same issue.
Mar 30 2019
Dec 28 2018
Nov 18 2018
Had the same issue with a pistol last night and this morning. Had to drop the pistol and find a new one to fix issue.