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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 8:45 PM (626 w, 3 d)
Jun 21 2016
+1 oh please!
May 10 2016
Here for LJ
not sure if there is a ticket already for it but the same happens with the 2 stacked hbarriers with ramp on the left
An additional annoyance when using respawnOnStart with MenuInventory/MenuPosition:
If you use the BIS establishing shot function (UAV intro), the respawn/inventory menu pops up in front of the intro at mission start.. preventing you from seeing the intro until you select your loadout, wait for timer, select respawn point.
From today's DEV update changelog:
Known issue: Reports of Altis not working at all on some PCs (being investigated with priority)
Same issue
- changing in-game video settings makes no (or very little) difference
- testing done with 500m view distance
- tried with -noLogs
- tried validating steam files
- tried shift numpad - (flush) after each change
- same test in editor (place one unit hit preview) on Stratis gets 60FPS
On Altis:
- if I start in the water far from land - 30FPS
- starting on a small island - 15FPS
- starting at main airfield - 2FPS
Character in 3rd person view gets graphical glitches (flashes) and other strangeness like stretched-neck syndrome
Also after this happens (drop to 2FPS) exiting back to the main menu does not help (still runs slooooow) I need to quit the game and re-launch.
Windows 7 32bit
i7 920
GTX 570
Game on SSD drive
^^ yeah just edited my original post - only happens on Altis
try as a civ and freelook around.. Giraffe mode ):
Check the BIS thread we are not alone (they've even added a poll)
Yes yes YES Desync begone
Hotfix has been released!!! Thanks for the fast response to this issue BIS.
Yep 5+ hours and running no crashes (dancing banana gif)
Not really wanting to go to Dev version on servers.. this will only confuse players.
Also confirming it happens on any throw-able item. Tried the grenadestop.sqf script to cover the entire island but no difference.
Good to know thanks banshee... will do the same
edit: someone forgot and threw some it does crash for that as well :)
I can provide logs for 3 separate server instances if required. As mentioned above it seems to be the same:
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 006C1EA0
Anywhere upto an hour it seems before the server resets although it if is a grenade throwing issue I can see why the range in times. Using a grenade-stop script as well that prevents throwing in base.. wonder if that has any effect?
May 9 2016
The more tickets I read, the more I think they should just integrate ACE and be done with it :)