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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 7:38 PM (626 w, 2 h)
May 10 2016
True Dogmeat,
But the friend who has this problem, as stated is able to run all other BI games no problem.
It's only the DayZ SA that now he has the issue.
As far as I know Arma 2 has easily just as many if not more servers at any one time loading into the browser
Confirmed from my friend as well, he just downloaded the game.
Yet he had no problems playing Arma 1, Arma 2, or Arma 3
When he loads the game his internet shuts off for a minute, every single time
May 9 2016
Confused, what is the issue you're reporting?
The only guns that even fire underwater is the special rifle for that purpose.
Jesus. Christ. You spergy bunch, stop going on and on about it. It's always been a feature its simply disabled for this part of the beta.
Yeah pretty sure they havent activated parachute items yet, I was able to eject once.... I believe after giving my co-pilot control.
However I jumped, and an error popped up about "Parachute something or other"
And I promptly hit the ground :)
You're asking for them to change something, that has been that way since OFP (2001-2002 I believe)
Why change what works... everyone who uses the editor knows, and it is well documented
We were wearing normal combat uniform when it happened, not SCUBA gear
I can understand getting the weapons correct, but really... at this stage in the game this is less than minor
Besides having a faction use a weapon is totally different from having them create it