User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 2:18 PM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
SaltatorMortis edited Steps To Reproduce on T78804: Weapon Inertia: freeaim issue.
SaltatorMortis added a comment to T75781: Request Feature - Parachute for ammo boxes.
maybe this was easy ro implement.. a simple Z level check
SaltatorMortis edited Steps To Reproduce on T75719: Zeus line of sight mechanics.
SaltatorMortis edited Steps To Reproduce on T71522: force LOD command/module.
SaltatorMortis edited Steps To Reproduce on T64122: Tavor have no recipicating charging handle.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
SaltatorMortis added a comment to T61645: "This addItemVest", "This addItemUniform" and "This addItemBackpack" commands.
This addItem ["slot","classname", x]
This addMagazine ["slot","classname", x]
slot - name of the slot or number (inner to out 1 = uniform; 2 = vest; 3 = backpack)
SaltatorMortis added a comment to T60567: Add enhanced server browser features.
- addon autofilter (show only with matching/whitelisted addons)
- addongroups: server, client, both
- server side blacklist/whitelist for addons
- filter options:
- mod (match/exclude)
- servername
SaltatorMortis added a comment to T59637: Dedicated buttons for adjusting the stance up/down instead of a modifier button (CTRL).
ill advance this suggestion alittlebit:
- make the mousefunctions free combineable with other keys on the keyboard