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- User Since
- Mar 31 2013, 10:55 PM (622 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
I have to agree, For example when I was flying at about 20 KMH in the opfor helo (KA-60?) and my landing gear cliped a tree. Rather than the tree getting knocked over and my landing gear getting damaged the tree didnt move and my helo exploded into a giant ball of flaming wreckage. I'm pretty sure thats not how that would go...
Dont forget, this may be the future but it isnt "that" far into the future so i dont see lasers as a weapon just yet.
I like the idea but I dont want this to turn into a "Who can hack your turrets the fastest" competition. If done right this could add a whole new dimention to the game. Edit: EMP mines sound like a good idea.
May 9 2016
I like the idea but it would be a massive headache to use high magnification optics (ie 12X rifle scopes)
This is simple, ID your targets BEFORE firing. For example the opfor has darker camo then blufor and the opfor uses a more organic helmet shape while the blufor helmet is very box-like.
It is very annoying how sniper rounds can be heard a few seconds before they actualy get to the target. At least we arent shooting at extreme ranges just yet (such as the lighthouse at the firing range to mike-26) At that point its useless to even try.
This would be very nice, I hate walking around half bent over to the left and in a semiprone position without knowing O_O +1