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- User Since
- Feb 22 2014, 4:17 AM (577 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
its the ladder bug it happened to a friend of mine
seems to just be u two because me and a friend of mine climb up there all the time to snipe people and we had no problems
yah some times the arms glitch out and are in ur sights to
actually i have this happen a zombie hit me into the room i had to get pushed out of the room by the zombie.. also seems like part of the hospital roof has same issue in one part near the ledge u fall through the building
when ur standing about 5 feet from the person im sure they wont miss
yah its there i seen a few i got 3 on me now sight as of seen yet but i have seen mag's
well if yall want the truth they need to fix the shotguns according to all the wiki's i have seen it takes 4-5 shots to kill some one with a shotgun close range that be crap if u ask me
Bump Confirmed Constant Problem
bumping cause its still a problem
works for me but u cant take it off the new m4a1's that are spawned i got mine before the patch if i find non attached items i can change it out but if its attached u cant change it out