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Dec 17 2013, 3:54 PM (587 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

Redtama added a comment to T90308: Trying to do a running vault doesn't always work..

Overall it just isn't consistent.

May 10 2016, 5:28 PM · DayZ
Redtama edited Steps To Reproduce on T90308: Trying to do a running vault doesn't always work..
May 10 2016, 5:28 PM · DayZ
Redtama added a comment to T89658: Combat Logging and Server Jumping Suggestion.

They can't even think of implementing something as extreme as this whilst servers are not that stable. Also it could mean storing like 50 characters per player which is ridiculous. If I want to play on my character that has gear and the server it was on is down, then what? I have to start fresh. The best way of solving combat logging and server swapping is with timers. If you swap servers more than once, u will have to wait 2 minutes to swap again, then 5 then 10, 20, 1 hour. But even that is not great because atm I swap servers often because they drop down or they fill up and theres no space for my friend or something.

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
Redtama edited Steps To Reproduce on T88013: Items temporarily disappearing when dropped on the ground..
May 10 2016, 4:02 PM · DayZ
Redtama added a comment to T87202: Night time can be easily cheated away with gamma/brightness sliders for night vision.

Dude, PROPER DARKNESS in DayZ Patch #2. This is freaking awesome and terrifying at the same time. Let's see how everyone feels about this! :D Had fun playing in the dark tonight. It's awesome that everyone is running around with their torches. Once they fix the light going through walls, this will be truly an epic and immersive nighttime experience. Probably the most immersive game I've ever played! It feels like nighttime in real life. Can't see further than 5 ft in front of me

Keep up the good bug reporting/game design ideas and great programming DayZ team and fellow players! :)

May 10 2016, 3:21 PM · DayZ
Redtama added a comment to T87202: Night time can be easily cheated away with gamma/brightness sliders for night vision.

You've got my vote. BRING ON THE DARKNESS!!! :D I want people to be forced to use a torch! Otherwise you might as well remove the item from the game. No-one EVER uses a torch in DayZMod unless they are just a complete newbie.

I know Dean and the team have thought about this, so it's good that this report is here to show how many people this is important to!

May 10 2016, 3:21 PM · DayZ
Redtama added a comment to T87108: Server browser renders no results..

Same goes for me, was playing earlier today and yesterday and all was fine but this evening no servers are showing. Although I can see a few servers in my history, and my friends are having no problem seeing all the servers.

May 10 2016, 3:17 PM · DayZ
Redtama added a comment to T86889: Putting items in quick bar and then dropping them from inventory leaves them in quickbar.

Doesn't seem like a bug to me. You can just drag the icon out of the quickbar and it goes away. If I switching my inventory around a bit and perhaps drop an item on the floor that was in my quickbar, I don't really want it to disappear out of my quickbar so that I have to put it back there when I pick it up again. Just remove things from your quickbar that you don't want anymore by dragging them out of it.

May 10 2016, 3:07 PM · DayZ
Redtama added a comment to T86833: Hunger/Thirst/Stamina Rate Too High [PRIMARY REPORT].

In my opinion, it's just too often that I need to eat and drink. I wouldn't mind so much if these things were a little more accessible. I think it would be fine to need lots to eat if we were able to hunt animals and eat the meat, but just relying on totally on cans of food and fruit and whatnot, it makes it a bit extreme when my character is so insanely whiny about food. Also given the fact that we don't have a great way of telling just how fast hunger is growing, since we are relying on somewhat contradictory messages.

Really enjoying playing in the alpha so far and look forward to the future of DayZ! Please ignore all the morons who don't understand just how ridiculously time consuming programming is. :)

May 10 2016, 2:47 PM · DayZ
Redtama added a comment to T86644: Jumping is very unresponsive.

I have found that running vault/stepover are determined by whether your weapon is holstered or not. i.e if my weapon is holstered then i do a running vault but if i have it raised then i do a stepover.

May 10 2016, 2:06 PM · DayZ