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- User Since
- May 6 2015, 11:05 AM (513 w, 5 d)
Oct 20 2016
Oct 13 2016
Great news. Thanks for the help.
Oct 11 2016
Hi, we experienced some issues with the old FT so I am sorry for the late response.
Hello, i am sorry for the late reply, we had some issues with the old FT.
Oct 10 2016
Hi, we had some issues with our feedback tracker system, so I am sorry for the late response.
we had some issues with our feedback tracker, so I am sorry for the late reply.
Hi, we had some issues with feedback tracker, so i am sorry for the late reply.
Hi, we had some issues with our feedback tracker, so I am sorry for the late reply.
Oct 7 2016
Hi, we have had some issues with the Feedback tracker, but it should be ok now. So I am sorry for the late response from BI.
Sep 20 2016
May 10 2016
Although I see using PHP shell as an impressive approach, we are unable to debug all of your mods, although we would like to.
I would personally try to run all my mods following Mod Installation guide on this site in order to find out if it is even possible.
If this will not help, I would like to invite you to state your issue on our server administration forum.
we have tested this on 1.52 and 1.52, but our VON worked perfectly on both versions.
We used this method:
Could you attach more info? For example dxdiags of windows clients and HW specifications of your Linux server computer, server and clients rpt files?
Hello, could you please try reproducing the issue without mods? Thanks.
According to VP; Mesa is not as fully OpenGL compliant as the closed-source drivers, and thus we do not support them on Linux port. It is only a very bleeding edge version of Mesa that supports OpenGL 4.1 fully, and even then it only supports this on the software renderers (gallium) and AMD r600 driver (which only seems to cover older AMD Terascale based cards).
The short answer is - We do not support it currently.
We recommend using AMD catalyst driver described here:
We are sorry for any inconveniences.
This is Steam related issue. The issue is present on both Mac and Linux. Please contact Steam support about this issue.
There is another way, how to make screenshots on Mac:
- Start Arma III on Mac
- Press “Command + Shift + 3” (default)
- Screen is saved properly on the desktop
We are sorry for any inconveniences.
could you attach your Graphics/Displays specifications?
(About this Mac > System Report > Graphics/Displays)
Thanks a lot
Hi, peripherals settings are described here:
Could you try to set it up by Steam Big Picture? It should work properly this way.
you can play with your friend of course. He just needs to rollback his version to 1.42.
You can check how to revert back to 1.42 here:
Have a nice day and have a fun.
First of all we want to thank you for submitting the report. We appreciate the help a lot.
We were unable to reproduce the issue but we consider this one as an important one.
Could you please reproduce it and send the crash report to us and attach reference number to this ticket?
Hello, we really appreciate you tests of our port in Gentoo, but please keep on mind our specifications.
There is also Limited User-Generated Content compatibility listed.
Arma 3 Mac/Linux port is available for Ubuntu and Mint distros. We are sorry for any inconveniences you are experiencing with other distros, but there is not much where we can help you.
Some other users have tried different than supported distros. If they shared their fixes and experiences, they will be probably listed on our forum.
We are also retesting, if its possible to create and publish mission via Workshop, but only on Ubuntu and Mint Linux distros.
Thanks for valuable input.
Issue was reproduced on Ubuntu and also on MacOSX.
It was reported and it has been scheduled for a fix.
Thanks again for valuable input.
Hi, Arma3 Mac/Linux port is supported on Ubuntu and Mint distros. Game is also playable on Debian but it didnt go through QA phase. Your distro (Gentoo) is not listed and is not considered as a similar distribution.
Sorry for any incoveniences in this manner.
It is possible to run Steam via command line shell. You should get normal Steam GUI and play ArmA normally from the Library GUI.
The game needs Steam running. We need to have our content protected by steam ID dependencies. If you will find a way, how to run both together via command line shell, please share your knowledge on our forum
Thanks for beneficial contribution.
Thank you for positive feedback. Settings are reactive according to your GPU and CPU power. It should enable you the high setting if you lower some other ones, such as resolution or post-processing. It depends how your HW can handle it. Please note, that Arma Mac/Linux port is achieved by the special wrapper, which lowers the performance.
We can't reproduce this issue on any our Mac. Arma3 keeps data path "~/Library/Application Support/com.vpltd.Arma3/GameDocuments" ('~' is users home directory). It may be some file system issue, on Mac there is tool "Disk Utility" which can repair file system issues. To check folder privileges use Finder and go to mentioned path and choose 'Get Info' from context menu and then check 'Sharing & Permissions' (should be Read & Write).
Wow, great ! Please consider the post on our forum about ports:
Thanks for valuable input.
Supported and tested distros are Ubuntu an Mint. ArmA III´s port should also work on Debian, although it didnt go throught QA phase.
Any other Distros such as Arch Linux are not supported.
Sorry for any inconvinience.