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- User Since
- Dec 22 2013, 1:17 AM (585 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Cannot count the amount of times I've been nestled safely in a building only for someone to peak me through the wall like this and start talking to me.
Can confirm this just happened to me.
I did manage to grab this police vest before a character reset once!
Gone forever now though, I'd been looking for one of these for over 200 hours!
On topic, I just had another friend have their character reset on a re-log after a server restarted, they were actively trying not to re-log to get up to the new guba.
Tweeted the devs about it, I want the fix asap so I can play, ehem, I mean 'test' some more.
Loobiz this thread has more complete information and is the result of testing on more than hardcore server types...
No error messages from anyone JellyDonuts. Except once where the Beret popup message showed, but that issue is unrelated.
]rocket2gunsRocket 32 points 1 hour ago
The server hosters set the hive for the servers to use. The new update was quite complex, and introduced a number of new settings that server hosting providers needed to configure.
There has been significant confusion with some of them, as the instructions we have sent have not always filtered down to the engineers and techs rolling up the updated servers.
Hence, many of the servers have been configured to use the WRONG hive. I believe this is in progress. If you notice a server doing this, post here the name/ip of the server and we can look into it.
There is no known issue with the core architecture, the only issues we have identified so far are issues with problematic configuration.
- Rocket on this bug
Cmon guys, just because I'm Player2 doesn't mean I can't be in 1st place =P
More info from GameServers regarding their side of the issue:
We are working with the DayZ development group on the issue you are experiencing. Currently, it looks like it is something that will need to be fixed on the DayZ authentication servers.
This is not affecting all servers, but a subset of our servers, so many are indeed working.
Once we have confirmed the fix has been implemented, we will reply here and update you.
Currently as far as I know the only server host with the correct set-up rolled out is MPGS. I have not tested Vilayer/Fragnet/etc servers. Can confirm that servers aren't working though.
Contacted gameservers support about it and received this:
Sorry for the inconvenience. We are aware of the issue currently affecting your server. This ticket has now been assigned to a notification queue where you will be updated on the issue when there is new information or progress.
If you have any other issues not related to this please feel free to open another ticket and we shall address them. Sorry for any delay.
So no ETA yet.
PS: Thanks 'shroom!
Loobiz the thread I posted has more complete information and is the result of testing on more than hardcore server types...Your thread has limited scope.
This has ruined my surprise attacks many times and forced me to either relocate or take shots.
Weapon accuracy can be affected not only by the condition of the ammo, scope, and attachments, but also the weapon itself.
Due to a very severe bug you cannot check the condition of a weapon at the moment. I hope this is resolved soon.
So THAT's why I wasn't hitting my targets at 800m today, couldn't even see the bullet because of how low it must have been dropping! Explains a lot!
I have also noticed this issue with no clear obstruction in front of the weapon.
I've had this so often I've taken to engaging targets from crouched rather than prone.
I was zero'd for 600m using a mosin with pristine long range scope + bipod and pristine ammo for all of these shots:
I was on flat ground and getting some target practice on zombies in the distance at +30m elevation from me, no obstructions around the barrel for a good 10", shot, hit dirt, crouched, shot hit the target.
I tried a second time on a slightly (-5%) downward incline shooting straight forwards and still hit dirt with a good 15" of clearance between the barrel and the ground.
Third time lucky, further down the hill on a steeper (-15%) incline, a good 2ft of clearance seemed to allow me to fire without the projectile hitting the dirt.
Zoom scale should be the same regardless of FOV setting.
If you want to play with fisheye fov be my guest but unless you're looking down your scope all the time you're going to have that spotting trade-off at distance.
Getting same fps drops on an acer 5750g with an ocz ssd, intel 2450m 3.1Ghz, 6gb ram and a nvidia 610m with 3765mb of shared video mem. I have dayz set to lowest settings on 640x400 to run it =p