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User Since
Jul 30 2015, 8:56 PM (500 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Jul 1 2018

ParanormalRaccoon added a comment to T131081: Mp5 mag unload not working.

Had the same issue! And also with the 4-five.

Jul 1 2018, 11:49 AM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon created T131093: [EXP] bugged door in Stary Sobor.
Jul 1 2018, 11:38 AM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon created T131092: [EXP] Can't open door of shop next to Novy Sobor police station.
Jul 1 2018, 11:34 AM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon created T131091: Tactical Bacon not usable in 0.63.147489.
Jul 1 2018, 11:25 AM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon created T131089: Ladders on Rify ship aren't working.
Jul 1 2018, 9:56 AM · DayZ

Jun 8 2016

ParanormalRaccoon created T117436: Texture Jittering .
Jun 8 2016, 3:19 PM · Arma 3

May 11 2016

ParanormalRaccoon edited Steps To Reproduce on T105259: The ladder on the Elektro Dam just killed me.
May 11 2016, 2:13 AM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon edited Steps To Reproduce on T105144: Game does not react to any key strokes when joining after a friend via steam..
May 11 2016, 2:08 AM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon edited Steps To Reproduce on T105138: Im not able to pick up gas lamps (not my internet's fault).
May 11 2016, 2:08 AM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon added a comment to T103585: Can't exit elevator shaft in large appartments.

I can confirm this, have this problem right now :3

Edit: You can solve this problem by instantly moving to the elevator exit when coming down from the ladder.

May 11 2016, 1:11 AM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon added a comment to T102459: Guy is stuck when spawning.

I can confirm this bug! A few days ago I respawned with my "regular" character and wanted to start running, when I noticed that the game seemed to not notice any of my keystrokes or mouse movements. I can clearly see infront of me in first person but cannot open my inventory, cannot switch to third person, cannot walk, etc. Today I wanted to play again when I noticed that I still had that same character standing in the middle of the street doing nothing. My friends will come and put me out of my misery but just wanted to make clear that this bug still exists!

May 11 2016, 12:30 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

ParanormalRaccoon added a comment to T93888: Maps needs cyrillic or road signs need english.

Although it's not a bug, I also think that cyrillic maps make a lot more sense im such a country than english maps! I think that many downvotes vome from players that didn't read the article and think that you want everything in english ;)

I believe though, that BIS already stated somewhere that they want to implement different types of maps in the game such as maps for tourists or just small maps for each big town. If/When that is implemented, we will not have any problems with this case anymore.

May 10 2016, 7:34 PM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon added a comment to T92910: Teleport into past locatoin and freeze.

Can confirm this bug! It happened to me today in the latest patch and never happened before that. I was playing with a ping of 30, so the connection shouldnt be the problem

May 10 2016, 6:54 PM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon edited Steps To Reproduce on T91999: PU scope model doesnt show up correctly when looked at in detail..
May 10 2016, 6:25 PM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon edited Additional Information on T91965: My chat messages appeared in the wrong place.
May 10 2016, 6:24 PM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon added a comment to T91756: Teleport into past locatoin and freeze.

Can confirm this bug! It happened to me today in the latest patch and never happened before that. I was playing with a ping of 30, so the connection shouldnt be the problem

May 10 2016, 6:18 PM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon added a comment to T87796: "Wait for host" "Server is full" or "Confirmation of changes".

yep, have the same problem.... An hour 1 and 1/2 hours ago it worked fine

May 10 2016, 3:54 PM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon added a comment to T86784: Invisible zombies.

Can confirm this! Was in the military site north of Kamenka with 2 friends when we herad one zombie but couldn't see him after searching everything. We then stopped in the bottom of the hospital to drink/eat up and one of our friend got hit from something. We panicked, treid to bandage him, couldn't hear any gunshots or any sign of players - just the zombie. Then he moved out, and I started to get hit, so we just started running until we could hear the noises become quieter and finally stopped. We then gave our characters a break, only to hear the zombie come closer again. After that we just sprinted a few minutes until we were sure he lost our track only to move to the next empty town, which wasnt looted and strangely didnt have any viible zombies in it either. Suddenly, we heard several zombies aggroing on us, so we logged out because there was no point in us dying from ghosts ;)

May 10 2016, 2:43 PM · DayZ
ParanormalRaccoon added a comment to T82872: Game Crashes after audio cuttting in and out.

I just had the same problem.

Right after I started the game the first time on my new PC, I went into editor mode to check out the graphics. I spawned a Hummingbird, flew around for a minute or so and then the game crashed.

Also: The whole time I didn't have sound and while starting the game my teamspeak sound was muted for some reason.

I attached some (hopefully) crash files in the file.

Thanks for your help!

May 10 2016, 11:18 AM · Arma 3