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- Oct 2 2014, 8:59 AM (544 w, 3 d)
Jul 10 2016
Sry I have no more Linux installed right now.
May 10 2016
There was not a single shot. And why do you guess, that I am not death? I have had a black screen and on it was the sentence "You are death". In the left bottom corner, was in red "Your legs are broken".
Yeap when you hit a zombie that sound weird, first time I thought that someone was shooting on me.
Yeap can confirm, stuffed stays forever.
Thx for this post, but I would not remove it, but I would change it a bit, don't let the player look higher then their head is, don't let them look around the corner. In 3rd person you should be able to see the player from the back side, if I turn with alt key to the left or right, just let the player see his charcter from the side, that should solve the problem.
Yeap, I did choose the male character when I join the first time, after I died (unconcious) I spawned as a female whithout any posibility to choose.
Yeap, that is exactly what my teammates and I discussed last night. I don't know if it is a bug or not, because I haven't the time to play earlier, but one thing is for sure, when we are back from work, it is dark outside and we don't want to play only in the dark! We love to play also in the dark, but not only in the dark!
This must be high priority, I do not have a problem to play with the bugs, but I played a couple hours with my teammates and were not able to meet up, cause nearly everybody had this problem and after we respawned we had to run across the map to meet us again.
Yes it is really annoying, to get a mission running, I wanted to get CTF mission, Gun Game and DM running, but it is nearly not possible.
Please tell me, how I can get running on a linux server! There a tons of files with capital letters and also capital letters in that files, I can rename all the files, I tried it on Gun Game ( but I can't get it running.
I can verify that partly.
If you got all files in the root where installed that, then it is working (I got the cfg files in a subfolder, that is ok).
If you do it like here:
It will not work, so I guess there is a problem with the links, so if you make a subfolder with links to the root folder/files, it is not working well.