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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 8:11 PM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
"I take it this is a new error for the series? I never witnessed this problem back on ARMA 2?"
It's a new problem in the sense that there are more commands with a global effect in use in Arma 3. In Arma 2 you would've gotten the same effect if you had used "(unitBackpack this) addMagazineCargoGlobal".
The issue is that to ensure the items go where the player wants, the Virtual Arsenal uses addItemToUniform/Vest/Backpack, which all work with global arguments and have a global effect. Without a locality check or a "do only once" variable check, this means duplicates when JIP is involved.
The commands for adding the uniforms, vests and backpacks themselves are global too, but it's not as big of a problem (addUniform was local previously, and that was terrible in another way when trying to setup loadouts).
Sadly the Virtual Arsenal doesn't take Join-In-Progress into account. One way, or the only way I've found, to avoid all problems with loadouts is to use a function or preprocessFileLineNumbers that has a locality check (and ideally some sort of a loadoutDone variable check). I guess technically you could try adding:
if (local this) {
to the beginning of the export paste, and
to the end of it, but I've never tried it that way. If it works it's clearly the simplest method.
I wouldn't call using Event Scripts "simple" in comparison to just pasting an export into unit init, since it involves at least basic knowledge of scripting.
Altogether this game series has always been in need of proper and working unit inventory management in the editor, it's a darn shame it was dropped out of the release features. I guess due to problems in the engine that are the cause here too.
Thank you. :) This ticket should probably be closed.
That might be the case. Then the sitrep feels a bit premature in advising to change the command in former missions, and the wiki has the wrong version.
"It breaks immersion and players use mods that disable WHOLE RADIO PROTOCOLS BECAUSE OF THIS."
This, it's quite sad given BI spent so much effort trying to improve them in A3. Using mods like this also has a negative impact on immersion in that they disable AI talking altogether, but it's the only way around this ridiculous bug.
It probably can be solved with encoding, since if you play BI's video files in your own mission, their audio is synced fine*. However, if that is the case, I agree that a guide on settings that the game accepts is needed. I've spent days trying to figure out a working setup on ffmpeg2theora (which Bohemia used), and all I've achieved is shortening the desync to less than a second, which is obviously way worse than with regular media players. Video and audio quality in general also suffer when playing the videos in-game.
Crude workaround is to play the audio with playSound at the same time. Syncs considerably better than otherwise.
- I thought it might be an issue with loading such files from a mission instead of separately loaded data file, but my video didn't work from an addon either.
Okay, I really should've redone the tests before making this ticket. The behaviour isn't actually linked to passworded servers at all.
In truth the issue is when you try a Steam "Join Game" on a friend who is playing on a dedicated server that they're hosting themselves.
So the correct steps to reproduce:
- Start up a dedicated server from your Arma 3 folder
- Join the dedicated server
- Ask for a friend to join it through Steam Join Game targeted at your account
- They get the "Can't connect to server" message
It's still rather confusing, and somehow sorting it out would make things clearer.
The actual ticket info is now very misleading, and I cannot edit it. Sorry about that.
Who doesn't love seagulls? Still it feels really weird that they aren't disabled by default when using the spectator mode. You can instantly see where and if people have died by gazing at the sky, which has tons of implications in some game modes.
Still present with GROUP respawn after no AI left - and quite silly!
I don't think the Geneva treaties have so specific requirements. The related parts are probably the ones requiring soldiers to have distinctive uniforms, and militias/volunteers/organised resistance movements to have "fixed distinctive signs", but so long as the side the soldier fights on is clear, nothing necessarily demands the nation to be identifiable.
Still I wouldn't mind CSAT national flag patches, though I think it's part of a larger problem of the CSAT not feeling fleshed out enough.
Some links:
Fixed in last Friday's devbranch. :)
Given that there are no regular Opfor units that use TRG's, this is probably an issue with a custom mission that's not been updated?
My guess is that they're planning on adding full Steamworks support in the final game, since the game is Steam exclusive anyway. But it's not really a pressing issue while the game is in Alpha.
Still present in Alpha 0.54.103957. Apologies if it's not proper to make a note of this.
I guess I could've added that I've never been able to load the correct-caliber magazines either; they simply disappear when you try it, and one of the UW ones gets loaded instead. But I suspect there's already a ticket on that if it's a widespread problem.