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- User Since
- Jan 11 2014, 5:19 PM (582 w, 8 h)
May 10 2016
I fully agree with SaMatra, this feature is currently missing. It seems to be impossible to protect gear, by limiting the excess to it with the existing event handlers.
The first variant, extending the EH with an additional parameter, is the more comfortable solution, imho. Because it allows to easily handle everything in this single call. If the EH is called several times on the other hand, it might be required to synchronize the results.
Another event handler could also be helpful to detect when a player switches between the weapon holders in the inventory (e.g.: 'Ground' to 'Crate').
- unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
- containerOld: Object - The previous selected container or weaponholder
- containerNew: Object - The new selected container or weaponholder
Awesome. Good job :D
Alright, I'll test it :D Thanks!
Nice. What is the eta for the stable branch? Do we have to wait for the next big game patch (several weeks), or will you release a hot-fix for it soon? A small update would be appreciated, so we can use the VA asap in our missions again.
Thanks in advance!
Same here. The Virtual Arsenal is completely broken after patch 1.26. Custom scripts and default BI functions are not working anymore. There is no error message in the log files (server/client). We need a hot-fix asap pls.
The ticket status is still on 'need more info'. What info do you need? Can I help in any way?
Thx for the info. Server is up to date now, but the error still occurs (see logs)!
PhysX3_x86.dll is causing massive server crashes multiple times a day! See logfiles and minidumps.
NOT fixed! Server keeps crashing even after the hotfix from friday (log files attached).
Yes, finally it's fixed :D
It seems that Outlander was right, the custom channels are only working in 2km range. Is this a bug or on purpose? If it's a bug: fix it please. If its on purpose: Is it possible to remove this restriction... maybe with a parameter or a command? Some help/info would be really appreciated.
Fully agree with 413X. Before you fix minor bugs like the size of stars or adding DLC like Arma Karts (wtf have karts to do with a military simulation???), you should get the basic functionality to work! One of the most important things for a good multiplayer is the communication. The predefined channels work fine, but the custom added channel have this major bug. Since the functionality is already implemented in the game, it's probably just a small error in your code and should be easy to fix. So set this ticket to high priority and fix it asap!
NOT FIXED!! Server keeps crashing!
Server crashes several times a day with ACCESS VIOLATION in PhysX3_x86.dll !!!
Tested with newly created picture and still the same issue. Massive game crashes on client side!
We finally found out what caused the problem :D
We are using to manage our different groups of members and added there the clan tags and pictures (paa files). At least one of these clan pictures was corrupted. They all had been shown properly in the game (in the players list and on vehicles), but after removing them from the site and deleting the cache at "C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Arma 3" the game stopped crashing.
You should add a check to your source code, that tests if a picture can be loaded properly and is not corrupted. If the file is damaged you could add an information to the logfile, but the game should definitely NOT CRASH!!!
We've also tested it with ordinary jpg-files (size < 100kb, 256x256 pix) last week and had exactly the same problem.
Today joined a guy from another clan our server and it seems that he had also used a corrupted picture, cause some people got kicked with the same error again . This is really bad. One guy with a corrupted picture can make it almost impossible for many others to play the game!
Dev version didn't fixed the problem. Game is still crashing, caused by the access violation (logs attached).
Btw the dev version has massive desyncs and frame drops...
Where do we have to add these parameters? In the server.cfg, basic.cfg or somewhere else?
And if it's one of the config files, do we have to add it like this?
enableSteamLogs = 1;
debug_steamapi = 1;
I'm also struggling with this annoying group limit. Can't see any logical reason for this limit of 144 groups! Will this ever be fixed?
I uploaded the mission (it's 3.6 now but still the same error) and 2 server logs, hopefully this helps...
The error occurs often, if players try to connect to the server. I uploaded a zip file including log and minidump.
Bring the lamps back!
May 9 2016
PhysX3_x86.dll is causing massive server crashes multiple times a day! See logfiles and minidumps.