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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 9:14 AM (626 w, 5 d)
May 9 2016
Use the search feature next time, ticket already submitted under Issue ID#0001309
Check to see if you've PIP disabled.
If it is, then that would explain a blank screen when in first-person in the gunner seat. As far as I'm aware, changing PIP quality doesn't increase the resolution of FPS of PIP, but instead simply the effective rendering range.
For future reference, the default key NUMPAD-0 should let you use the actual turret viewport, PIP enabled or not.
Hit up the search feature, there's already a ticket on this specific matter.
Include any additional information as a note to Issue ID#0000853 ttp://
This is a feature request, it's not of urgent priority of major severity.
ShackTac's BunnyHop mod would be appreciated,
Doesn't compromise the standard vault, as a concept allows fluid movement versus the jarring low-distance vault currently in the game.
Issue ID#0001302 encountered similar issue, apparently due to sprinting whilst breaching the surface of the water.
An additional video,
Updating with RPT's reported version number, also found in the video, posted here for clarity.
Type: Public Alpha
Branch: Stable
Version: 0.5.102571
Type: Public Alpha
Branch: Stable
Version: 0.5.102571
My current build, mouse input in vehicles is definitely far less responsive than it once was in A2OA. As if the sensitivity is a good 10% of what it once was. A & D for turning left and right feel natural.
Issue ID#0000853 possibly related.