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- User Since
- Jul 11 2013, 5:57 PM (599 w, 1 d)
Jun 9 2020
Happened again today. As there's still no news from any dev about this issue (after 2 years!), I think that it's safe to assume that there's absolutely no point in using this feedback tracker to submit error reports.
I guess flying planes in Arma 3 is just out of bounds for those of us who are encountering this error. I'll submit this last one, and then not bother to report any bugs in the future.
May 30 2020
Just had this crash again. Playing on one of the Official Warlords server, and again while flying the Y-32 Xi'an.
Would it be possible to get a response from one of the devs on this issue? It's been in the game for quite some time now and makes flying impossible for those who are encountering it. Thank you.
Jul 29 2019
Here is another crash log for this same issue:
Jul 28 2019
Here is the crash log from when it happened today:
This is still occurring as of the latest update (Contact 1.94). It took a lot longer on Livonia before it happened, though.
Jul 20 2019
This looks like the same issue as the one described here (0xC0000409 error):
Jul 19 2019
After all these years, this annoyance is still present in the game. Can anyone from BIS confirm that they're aware of this issue? It makes UGL smoke grenades completely worthless.
This is occurring for me as well, but only when I'm in an aircraft (jets, VTOL, or helis). I've tried deleting my profile, running in 32-bit, and changing the memory allocator. Nothing has fixed it, and I keep on getting a crash with the 0xC0000409 error. Sometimes it will happen after 10 minutes in a jet, sometimes 40.
May 10 2016
Is there any news on this? It makes the effective deployment of UGL smoke completely impossible, removing a huge tactical application of the UGL.
This is a really annoying bug for any players trying to work together in a vehicle. The driver view is very constricted when turned in and this bug makes it very difficult to navigate through towns, forests or any enclosed spaces.
Is this the same bug that causes players to sometimes not be able to switch seats in the vehicle as well? I've noticed that whenever the turn out functionality is disabled, I also lose the ability to switch positions in the vehicle.
I guess every time I need to use a vehicle with a group, I'll have to leave that group...
I can't figure out how to use Arma 3's spectator mode without having seagulls spawn in all over the place (giving away where players have died).
Removing the seagull spawn would make the spectator mode viable for PvP play.
For anyone looking for a work-around, you can add the file "onPlayerRespawn.sqf" to your mission folder, and within put:
{if(_x isKindOf "seagull")then{_x setPos [0,0,100]};
}forEach nearestObjects [player, [], 250];
It's a bit crude, basically just moving the seagull to the bottom-left of the map, but it seems to work fine when using the respawn template "spectator".