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Players can't turn-out or turn-in independently
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If players belongs to the same group they can't turn-out or turn-in separately when manning all positions in a APC/tank as a group in MP.

If players isn't part of any group it works as expected, i.e everyone can turn-out or in independently of each other (in tanks that allows it) but if in same group driver can only turn out if commander is turned out which makes it really hard for the driver in many situations!

And the workaround to not be in the same group has it's own issues, you don't see move markers made by the commander. Many mission/mod makers uses the group function extensivley, for example TacBF.

PS: This bug is not new, existed also in A2 etc. and was reported on forum/CIT. We all know you devs have a lot on your plate but was quite surprised it's still in A3...


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Make 3 players be part of the same group and jump into any APC/tank as driver/gunner/commander in MP.

Event Timeline

KeyCat edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 13 2015, 6:47 PM
KeyCat edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
KeyCat set Category to Multiplayer.
KeyCat set Reproducibility to Always.
KeyCat set Severity to None.
KeyCat set Resolution to Open.
KeyCat set Legacy ID to 3428339335.May 7 2016, 8:05 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: KeyCat.Jan 13 2015, 6:47 PM

This is a really annoying bug for any players trying to work together in a vehicle. The driver view is very constricted when turned in and this bug makes it very difficult to navigate through towns, forests or any enclosed spaces.

Is this the same bug that causes players to sometimes not be able to switch seats in the vehicle as well? I've noticed that whenever the turn out functionality is disabled, I also lose the ability to switch positions in the vehicle.

I guess every time I need to use a vehicle with a group, I'll have to leave that group...