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- User Since
- Jul 31 2013, 5:40 PM (604 w, 5 d)
Nov 4 2024
Nov 4 2024
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Kill3rCat added a comment to T100443: Stuck on permanent Please wait message when spawn timer reaches zero.
Ah, interesting, thanks! I do believe that one of my friends did on one occasion state that my body was present in-game while I was still on 'Please wait...'.
This was when a server had crashed, my friends had joined a different server. A friend had just come back from having his lunch, loaded into the server and said I was stood there, loaded in while I was stuck on 'Please wait...'.
This concerned me as I could potentially be brutally murdered while losing hair over a loading screen.
Kill3rCat edited Steps To Reproduce on T100443: Stuck on permanent Please wait message when spawn timer reaches zero.
Kill3rCat edited Steps To Reproduce on T89391: Unable to chamber a single round for FNX45.
Kill3rCat added a comment to T75440: SetTaskState Module not working correctly in MP.
This is SO not fixed...