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- User Since
- Mar 28 2014, 12:41 PM (570 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
ît's not related.
In my original post I also stated that waterbottles and canteens are affected by "refillible containers". That is what gave me the best clue that the bug is in the liquid system itself.
If you use water purification tables, the water works normally.
No. And the history only records the server when you've visited it for the first time, so it is not necessarily chronoligically ordered if you keep visiting the same servers.
May 10 2016
Related to that might be the incredible long "waiting for host" issue aswell.
-Also, invisible zombies on some servers.
How long will this take? o.O
Omg I actually contributed to something o.O
It is just as I expected, woa :D
With the latest patch the serverswitch penality was increased, then some dev reduced it somehow (but with no clientpatch) and since then we have this problem. I believe that the old 0.44 original spawntimer is still intact and counts down in the background, while the max countdown is just superficially set to display a maximum of 99 seconds. The issue is too reliable to be a bug otherwise.
Yesterday me and a friend logged off at about the same time, had to wait 5 minutes or so in total and spawned in the same order we logged off. So that seems to be not a bug, the bug is that it only displays max 99 seconds, when it should display way more.
You can always just wait it out. There is no need to relog the server. Watch the time you spend while stuck in that screen. You will always proceed after 5min or so.
Yea, its in since 0.44 and kind of makes sniping or longer range engagements impossible, if you dont already have a good understanding of how far the target is away.
see notes.
Yea i just did more testing of that and was just about to say that. It appears it originates from the rifle and that it shoots as if you'd be positioned without using ironsights. That costed me alot of lives. The solution would be to never used ironsights then? so you can't be fooled.
I hope you guys fix this sometime.
I tested it more, i think you're right. therefore, not a bug. It still feels bugged somehow. Time will tell, but knowing this solves some mysteries and might save my life.
Patchnotes say that it was changed so that it wakes up people below 500 blood aswell. Having a tool against shockdamage is kind of ridicolous, dont you think?
Under the Floor airfield building glitch. Annoyingly common.