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- User Since
- Jun 21 2013, 2:57 PM (603 w, 3 d)
Jun 9 2019
May 24 2019
Apr 21 2017
Confirmed, issue still present as of 04.20 (1.69.141362).:
Sorry, duplicate of:
Apr 13 2017
Jun 4 2016
May 10 2016
This was fixed once but it's back again with the rear glass missing as well.
Apparently fixed with todays dev update.
Thanks for the quick response!
You're right, it should behave like that.
As far as I know this is not a bug. The UGV is based off the real life Crusher unmanned vehicle which does not use conventional steering.
Ok, I have to admit this is kinda creepy. And awesome.
The issue could be fixed by implementing Physx for the affected models (most of them, such as that chair was inherited from ArmA2 and they still use this flatting effect when destroyed).
This seems to have been fixed, status should be resolved.
Status should be resolved now:)
All things considered, the best solution would be to have the Tatra T810 from ACR instead.
- Already modelled, just needs reskinning and some adjustments for the new engine
- Relatively new, fits way more into the game than a truck made in the 80s
- Plausible for both OPFOR and Green Army (Kamaz looks really odd next to all the NATO equipment for the latter)
Sadly the DLC PBOs are encrypted so this is something only BIS could do.