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- User Since
- Apr 4 2014, 7:44 PM (572 w, 3 d)
May 15 2019
Game version 1.03.151487 ( Exp.branch)
Jul 5 2017
Dec 29 2016
May 11 2016
The issue is - 6Gb of free space isnt enough do download and install 1.7Gb geme update. So how lot is enough? ( Game is installed on 64Gb SSD, to free more space is almost impossible, so i got this question)
Say thanks to jumpers.
Ofcourse it takes sense to go to your inventory each time you want to reload weapon. It make difference betwenn this civilian rifle and automatic military weapons. Or between player who got magazine for his curent weapon and who doesnt. Or between players who did put ammo in exact slot in his inventiry and its take a second for him to perform a reload ( also due he is skilled in this operation) and player who doesnt know where ammo lays in his mess. This must stay as it is. Cause it is one of and so little things thats make differense between greenhorn and war dog.
It seems like players must see "You are unconscious" first in most cases. and later 'you are dead'. But i dont think you can get healthy in the forest after get shot in the breast.
the deveoper's objective was to make you avoid them. Then avoid them and you'll get less problems. Here is the guid about interection with zeds & not get dead About balancing...noone said "The job is done". Just wait & help developers by making correct feedback about issues you see in the game.
They make sounds only when they in pacific condition. As soon as they get activated by you... thats all. No sounds. Apart from sounds you've been hit =).
Comme on guyes ( developers). Zeds are not perfect killers or hunters. They are f88ing stupid, they must yell when they made sure you are alive and eatable.
But never saw them invisible. ( its logical=) )
Do not talk bullshit, it-s process of setup to find the perfect balance. Now developers have gone frome one extremeness to another. Its all about golden middle. So if we are bought the alfa then we involved into develpment and must say our minds.
They nust be deadly. You shoud get scared to shit when you here they are started to chase you. I see all is ok with zombies for now. BUt their pathfinding is cheaty.
I think they at least should thrash about looking for pass in a fence. If you saw some videos where animal have get in a cage. They start runing around looking for an exit. The conception of zombies in DayZ is about people faster becomes animals i think, then agressive smartyes.
Yes, it works. Well Done, PJChattyman!
Sad, but problem is back. I have added BEServices, Dayz_BE & Dayz to the brandmauer exclusions. Restart.Уverything works, another restart - we are at the same place...(( something is blocking onу of those & and ideas are ended.
I'm not sure exactly how, but i've resolved my problem. Here the actions were done:
1)I haven't got an antivirus, then i instaled it & fully scaned my PC.
There was two threats & they were deleted.
- I found a programe installed on my PC called " Extremeblocker". Which was imposiblle to uninstall in classic way. And antivirus have not found this as threat. I could only delete this programme when loaded windiws in safemode ( not sure about correct name).
- Also, while was in a sfamode ive deleted "appcache" folder.
After next windows start it was able to lauche Dayz
Another sucsess after next moves: Exit steam , delete appcache,
- Go into the folders _CommonRedist > DirectX > Jun2010.
- Run DXSETUP.exe
THEN restart windows !!
Then launch the game.
Got the same isssue, but can not get in even through the .exe file. Once i have reinstaleed all of Microsoft Visual C++ , and could get in, but after next windows start up the same problem.
May 10 2016
Zombies must be deadly. You must be scared of troubeling them. Dangerous level is ok now. But respawn , detection range and their ability to go through the walls are need to be fixed.Dont forget its aplpha for now. As for me zombies can run even faster then player, so you cant run away in the open area. But only if no walk through the wall. Its not cool when you can easly loot around while couple of zombies walking around and cant hit you, and then you can just run away.