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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 10:41 PM (585 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
I've seen less .45 ammo in current Stable (0.45) but it is there. Had no problems finding any if I was looking.
Don't see this as a problem in current build.
Sounds to me it's totally 100% your "laptop", this is coming from an IT engineer.
This game is not meant for "Laptops" aka "Notebooks", for the simple fact they can not handle games like Dayz/BattleField ect because of the Graphic cards within their systems.
My suggestion is to get a Desktop PC with at least an i5 CPU Processor, 4 Gigs of DDR3 RAM at 1600+ speed, An Nvidia GTX 580 (For example) which has at least 1.5 VRAM memory, with relevant motherboard.
I used to have lag/fps issues on my old system which was a QuadCore 6600 CPU with the above graphics card and 4 gigs of DDR2 RAM. This however was a fail.
Since my updated system of an i74770k, 8 Gig RAM @ 1600 speed with above GTX 580 and relevant motherboard, the game works great! Just need more RAM at a faster speed.
So on that note, yes, you need a good/very good gaming desktop for Dayz Standalone.
I hope you recommend getting a desktop PC and get rid of your "laptop" :)
I get this too in current Stable patch.
OMG! This bug freaks me out so much man.
The other day I was in the middle of nowhere, chilling with my new fire. I take a drink in real life, chill for a bit, hear some random can of soda open, I freak out, get up, look around while in prone....Cant see anything, hear zombie noise, I run for quite some time, get in a building and log...
Yeah, this happens in current Stable with water canteen in hand, x2 tap run, while holding W hold G, let go of G, run up hills.
Helps so much when having to treck across map with no cars but yeah, bug non the less. Good bye times of having to run up hills in races with Bambies :(
Don't use cheats in future, it's people like you that ruin the fun for game and take up so much of the devs time with your crap.
Enjoy your ban and problems.
I know this is an old error for Dayz Mod, is this error currently Dayz Standalone 0.45 update?
Have you tried deleting your Dayz folder in your AppData file, closing steam and trying the game again?
If not, go to "C:/Users/*Your Name*/AppData/Local/Dayz" - To see AppData file, please go to your folder options and click on "show hidden files" and by default windows hides your AppData file.
Report back with any info after doing the above. (I'm not apart of the Dev team, just a helpful suggestion)
Hey Kira, this was a duplicate of my 0013148
I did a recent re-upload in the last day or so and after a reinstall of the game and still crashing in latest update.
All recent uploads in issue 0013148, thanks!
Any news on this Kira?
Still getting this. Now and then my game will crash when exiting the game. This happened yesterday.
Thanks guys!
Hey again
Yeah sure, I should of looked into re-uploading my new crash dumps. I wasn't aware I could delete anything in AppData that would effect the game.
I'll do this now Kira and update ASAP. Thank you!
All info updated in this post.
Crashed just now, had to CTRL+ALT+Del to get out of game.
Dayz AppData file with recent DxDiag
Steps on how I crashed in recent Stable Patch 0.45
- I hopped on to a recently restarted server (8am start) Loged in fine.
- played for 10 minuets, had Firefox open in back ground on desktop, tabbed out to check map on location from DayzDB.
- Tabbed back into game, played another 10 mins. Pressed Esc, Exit then Esc again while server list was loading, ended up on main screen, clicked Exit straight away, waited...said game shutting down, waited 30 seconds.
- Press CTRL+ALT+Del to see whats up, message pops up saying Game had unexpectedly crashed, clicked close on this windows tab to close game.
This is what happened after a fresh reinstall (a few days ago) and Dayz AppData file deleted as recommended.
Hope this helps determine how I'm crashing.
Cheers guys!
Hey Crowmorian
Yeah, not problem. I've used a differednt site to upload as the last site deleted the file after 5 days.
I have reinstalled DayZ since these problems and still crash when trying to exit the game or stuck on loading into a server.
Thanks for taking the time to look into this. Link as follows for my DayZ folder with all info requested.
Can you take a screen shot (F12 when in game) and upload it to a free photo sharing website and post the link please to help the Devs find this building and fix this, thanks!
As stated above, go to experimental servers for the use of the Magnum. It will be released into the upcoming patch. I am seeing magnum ammo spawn in loads of places, what do you mean "Not properly"?
Only Direct Chat is available at the moment. I'm sure the devs are aware of this.
This isn't really a problem.
You run with x2 shift or x2 shift to walk. Or if you hold shift you walk. Noting wrong with this issue.
As for the LMB used for looking through iron sites on weapons, zooming in or changing run to walk, has always been implemented into Dayz. I find nothing wrong with this. Helps out in situations.
Always happened and been apart of Dayz Mod, not a HUGE issue but needs fixed in future.
Id look into the state of the weapon (When the issue is fixed with not showing main weapon state or side arm state, only attachments). I'd also look into using 1st person and 3rd person to see if you notice a difference. 1st person/3rd person doesn't always line up with shots when looking at the dot.
I concur. This happened to me.
Can concur, this also happens in many other locations with the same cabin with the bin placed on the left side of the door, blocking access to the main door to enter.
All games require Gamma and Brightness so removing them is not an option. People have different types of monitors/TVs/Projectors to play games and not all of them have options that change the gamma/brightness much to help, even in small darkened areas.
However, limiting the gamma/brightness would be possibly a good idea.
This happens with Zluta Koaloko Soda's and also with another type Zluta Soda.