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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 8:40 PM (624 w, 3 h)
May 10 2016
As an off shoot to this (and a work around, although I wasn't looking for one haha!)I did a little more research and managed to get this working.
In a script, I create a chopper, crew it, set its behaviour, give it some waypoints then pass it into the below:
null=[_searchChop] spawn {
while {true} do { player action ["lightOn", _this select 0]; sleep 0.01; };
main light/searchlight/reflector is on, however, method has couple of probs which I haven't thought out yet.
Trouble with this method,
a) endless loop (no, no, never)
b) the sleep 0.01, wasted CPU cycles.
Changing the sleep period, even by .4, causes the search light to flicker and is NOT to be tested by those who suffer from flashing images (this is not a joke!)
Without this however, the AI turns the light off, regardless of combat mode/behaviour
I know this. I appreciate your input, but I didn't post looking for a work-around.
This would save editors the hassle of working around something that really should just work and not just 'attaching' lights to things, like helicopters that already have lights.
The issue I think here is the inconsistency between assets and not providing an easy way to control them (the main light/searchlight/reflector, switch it on or off).
Leave it upto the AI and they will invariably do what you don't want them too :)
Yes please. I find it odd that we can't control an AI controlled helicopters searchlight (ie, Just turn it on, leave it on and not have the AI pilot turn it off).
I'd like to be able to have a helicopter simulate searching an area with the main light/searchlight/reflector. This will add some good immersion for those sneaky, sneaky night missions.
Voted down - I'd prefer the devs work on other parts of the game as opposed to creating new content. Your suggestion and the list provided by AD are candidates for community creation
No, this looks to have been fixed and can be closed
Aha Brilliant, thanks for the info and sorry, you can close this ticket.
To make it circle around a point, right click in the map mode with the two cameras and select loiter.
The Dslyecxi tube link above is really interesting. It'd be great if the UAV turret camera functioned in a similar manner.
As others have pointed out, its difficult to keep the camera still and focused when the UAV flailing around, updating its position.
Camera stabilization would be great!
Never mind, I found it!!
Hmm, but it does spawn pre-composed groups - This is an odd one
Indeed, the aformentioned cluster could refer to anything!
Made me come and read what it was about though :)
May 9 2016
Helo casting would be great - Deploying a scuba SF team off near a hostile coast line for a covert night op just begs to be done :D
Up vote
*Edit* The state of this ticket suggests it should be a feature request. Its already been reviewed, but, judging by the developer response, the idea wasn't picked up.
Tube links above are private :/
I've been unable to fix it by pressing "s" x2 times unfortunately. But still, this shouldn't happen.
I'd expect, if no input is being entered into the keyboard, then the character should stop, but currently, it keeps running
This doesn't appear to be a problem anymore, for me at least. This can be closed