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UAV will make its way back to player UAV operator when taking Turrent control
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is specifically aimed at the fixed wing UAVs.

In mid flight, if you take control of the UAVs turret controls, AI takes over and automatically starts to make its way back to the UAV operator.

This is not ideal behavior. If anything, it should just keep flying straight at the same altitude and heading that the player took control of the UAVs turret.


Legacy ID
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
Steps To Reproduce

Take control of the UAV. Take off, fly at a level heading, select take turret control - UAV starts to bank and head back toward the players position, or whoever has control of the UAV at that time

Additional Information

It would be great if the UAV circled the position at the point which the player took control of the UAVs' turret.

This would allow the player to control the UAVs targeting camera whilst the UAV held its position for the player to be able to use the camera for targeting.

This is on the basis that they selected the turrets control for a reason, presumably to lase ground targets or perform recon

Event Timeline

JQuel edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 16 2013, 9:53 PM
JQuel edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
JQuel set Category to UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle).
JQuel set Reproducibility to Always.
JQuel set Severity to None.
JQuel set Resolution to Fixed.
JQuel set Legacy ID to 1903878636.May 7 2016, 4:04 PM

Left click when in the map control page and select what you want it to do like: loiter, search and destroy, and hold fire ect...

To make it circle around a point, right click in the map mode with the two cameras and select loiter.

JQuel added a subscriber: JQuel.May 7 2016, 4:04 PM

Aha Brilliant, thanks for the info and sorry, you can close this ticket.

To make it circle around a point, right click in the map mode with the two cameras and select loiter.