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- User Since
- Jan 9 2014, 8:46 AM (577 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
*Update* I confirmed the report, and reproduced it easily. My original attempts were done on a rooftop, so the body probably fell through the floor.
This issue is also reported as #0003688.
I agree about the suicide option (using in-game items).
In the meantime, for those of you who are stuck: try to run and jump through the wall (press V). Another option is to go prone near the wall and press Q or E to roll. The last option is to get near the wall and press V, then immediately exit the game... it causes you to lag out of the wall. I've utilized all 3 of those methods to escape being stuck.
Learn from MMORPGs... many have 30 second timers to logout.
You can do this in first person as well using a long range scope. If you go prone while standing near the wall and then zoom the scope in fully you can see through the wall sometimes. That's possible with rocks and the ground as well on hillsides.
Confirmed on any server. This issue was also reported as #0006410.
I believe they need to have a login timer that cannot be interrupted like many other games (maybe 5-10 seconds) to stop this exploit, and a logout timer to prevent combat logging and reduce server hopping (30 seconds).
"Z-fighting" is the term for the problem you see. It's a massive problem with this game, because they have A LOT of overlapping textures.
This issue was also never fixed for the crouched position.
This is one of the most annoying problems with the user interface in my opinion. Hopefully they label this with a fairly high priority to address. Thanks for highlighting the issue.
Confirmed as of 11 Jan that these bugs are still existing on many servers. I was able to "#vote kick", "#vote admin", or "#kick" players.
FYI, I only kicked myself as part of the testing and did not test the server restart because I did not want to interrupt servers or gameplay.
For those of you who are stuck: try to run and press V near the wall and you might jump through. Another option is to go prone and press Q or E to roll out. The third option is to stand at the wall and press V then immediately exit the game... exiting while doing that movement will cause you to lag out of the wall. I've used all 3 methods successfully when stuck.