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- User Since
- Nov 19 2014, 12:43 AM (540 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
I have not been able to replicate the error since.
I would, but the crash did not provide me with a crash dump for some reason. I don't understand it.
@Cenwulf, I appreciate the time you took to comment though. May help someone else who has come across this ticket.
Is anyone able to assist with this issue? At least assign it to a dev?
My issue is un-related to the End Game mode. This is within a mission I am developing...
@Cenwulf, I understand what you are trying to hint at, but I am only using the base classes for the weapons and adding the attachments separately.
To further simplify the scenario, if you go into my server with my arsenal setup and remove everything but the uniform or vest or even just a backpack and save the class. Upon relogging, new life, or disconnecting and reconnecting, if you join the same slot and try to load that uniform class, it is still greyed out.
The only time you can load the class is whilst in the same life.
Alright, so this would be a good solution:
Arma 3 Root Folder\@MarKeR\config.hpp
class playerMarker {
name = "playerMarker";
icon = "media\playerMarker.paa";
color[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
size = 32;
shadow = true;
scope = private;
And in the description.ext
class CfgMarkers
#include "@MarKeR\config.hpp"
would this be a viable solution? May help others if they come across this ticket.
Adam, I have uploaded the test mission, reproducing the error with the least amount of code needed.
The init.sqf executes the player_markers.sqf inside the scripts folder.
The description.ext contains the marker config.
The paa file is within the media folder.
The reference to the "playerMarker" marker name is in scripts\player_markers.sqf on line 128.
Let me know if you need anything else! Thanks
Sure thing.
Confirmed. The solution posted by uncle_fedor worked for me as well. Updating my servers with Steam versus SteamCMD is not an option for me, so this was a good temporary fix.
Confirmed. Same issue. Deleting and verifying doesn't work. Launching with -mod=curator;kart;heli;etc.... does not help either.
bad animation file format in file:
My server RPT log is clean as well. Don't have a chance to get a client RPT though. Crashes before the server even reads the mission. Maybe because my servers either use Karts or have the arsenal in them, resulting in the use of the karts DLC. Your mission list may not use them.
+1 Having this issue as well...