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- User Since
- Mar 25 2014, 7:33 PM (571 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
It is caused by consumable items. It mainly happened to me with Soda Cans and Berries. They get depleted to 0%, get invisible, but not dissapear from the inventory slow, and you can't move them afterwards.
Player Solution:
Logging out and logging into the game makes the 0% items appear again, and you can then get rid of the item.
Same issue here with me and my friends. We also get the "Display driver stopped responding..." message. You can also move around ingame after it happens, it's just that the window with the game itself won't appear anymore.
It most often happens when I'm zoomed in with the RightMouseButton and turning rapidly while looking around. Also people had been reducing the frequency with which this crash takes place by changing the amount of memory allocated in the Graphics options of the game. From that I assume it has something to do with the loading terrain depleting the memory on the GPU and causing the Driver to reset, which when happens doesn't bring the game back up.
I keep finding more SKS ammo than Mosin Ammo, which never happened before.