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- User Since
- Nov 7 2023, 2:51 PM (65 w, 6 d)
Apr 9 2024
Feb 29 2024
Jan 25 2024
Server has crashed again
Server crashed this morning and has now crashed again. I had submitted a ticket this morning about this same issue. Now it's happening again.
Jan 24 2024
The server is back up.
Nov 18 2023
Server came back, we joined and within a min or two were kicked back out because it was shutting down.
This is happening AGAIN! This time, almost all US-LA servers are down, grayed out, can't access them.
Nov 16 2023
Nov 15 2023
@Geez any idea/speculation on this? This has happened a few times lately & another team mate has a similar ticket open about this. My teams having a hard time trying to get the motivation up to move their accounts back to base if this is going to continue to be a thing.
Happened again and I created a ticket on this as well.
Yup, our base was hit and we lost everything because we had no accounts around to defend anything. They destroyed cars and changed our codes so now we have ghosts in base and we have to raid our own base to take it back.
Server just came back online and our character locations are gone?!? That's real messed up. We had our base open, trying to build it, cars/truck out getting lumber and now all of that is at risk of being lost/ raided because of server problem on Dayz's end. I hope yall get this fixed or at least restore character positions for people.
Some of my group was left in the server and continued to play. The server reset a few mins ago and it's still grayed out for everyone. We can't access our server at all. US LA 4296
Nov 10 2023
@Geez tagging you in this one because it seems to be a Playstation and xbox thing, however, idk how to enter my own submission for xbox.
This is happening on xbox as well. We are experiencing similar issues. We can drop items like a fence kit on the ground and it's like it drops below the map. We can also drop them or anything at the base of a watch tower and it disappears immediately but reappears on top of the watch tower mins later. It's almost like there's a portal/warm hole or something at the bottom of watch towers.
Nov 9 2023
Nov 8 2023
During this lag, we fall through the map (I have a video), we can't shoot other players. The zombies appear to be walking in place at times and our bullets seem to go through the zombies and not kill them. There has been incidents when the red 3 line symbol appears and everything looks fine but when it goes away, I have sustained damage that wasn't there during the lag. This needs to be fixed asap! The game is unplayable during this time. We can't drive cars, pvp, pve, nothing. We even lag trying to open/close doors and at times we can't interact with the game like open/close doors, drop items, pick up items.