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- User Since
- Nov 22 2013, 3:14 PM (588 w, 3 d)
May 19 2022
May 19 2022
Apr 21 2017
Apr 21 2017
DevArmitxes added a comment to T76951: ArmA Server crash due broken squadXML host.
Still know this bug from A2 times. As this appears as first google entry to me:
You can prevent your server from crashing by blocking port 80/443 for the arma server until it's properly fixed.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
DevArmitxes added a comment to T74592: BIS_fnc_showNotification not working.
@Larrow thanks! Issue solved. Hope BI can update the wiki, it's misleading ;)
DevArmitxes added a comment to T74592: BIS_fnc_showNotification not working.
@Heisenberg for the mentioned default templates that step is optional. However, with or without it the result is the same ;)
Edit: no scripterrors.
DevArmitxes edited Steps To Reproduce on T74592: BIS_fnc_showNotification not working.
DevArmitxes added a comment to T74591: CPU limited.
DevArmitxes added a comment to T67168: The sound inside buildings is exactly the same as outside....
@jakeryan760 hell no, gun shots in Arma 3 already blow my ears away. Would be nice if you could set their volume manually
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
DevArmitxes added a comment to T61802: Add ability to climb onto/over objects.
I agree, however only if this is made optional. May something like -> player/npc setMaxClimbHeight (>>meters<<) <- wouldn't be bad at all.